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Bad news for X-Planers

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John Venema over on the Orbx forums has announce "Project X" has been pulled.




So Project X, as most of you correctly guessed, was X-Plane. We showed you a screenshot from a 98% complete KCGX Meigs Field which we had contracted out to be ported. The only stuff not working were human animated characters, something I am sure we would have eventually solved. So in this instance we had a real product ready to ship for XP-10 and XP-11, but which in fact was really nothing more than an internal proof of concept.


We have a few such projects underway internally, trying various emerging sim platforms, different technology partners, new data sources, new development techniques, different engines, and so on. We're constantly experimenting with 'stuff'. That's a vital part of any company's future; the R&D side.


So we have to make calls as to which platforms are going to meet our goals that we measure across a whole bunch of criteria; much more than simple metrics about performance, SDKs, community, market etc - an internal measurement which is important to us as a business and team of passionate developers.


Rather than string the FS community along for many months I'd rather just be Occam's Razor and nip it in the bud now. We won't be doing any development for any version of X-Plane for the foreseeable future, if at all.


So there you have it folks...

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It was nice of him to X-Plain it to us.


In spite of some things it does well, I've never really thought of X-Plane as a viable contender for the NGFS.  This isn't going to help it.  Four is already too many for the developers to have to contend with.  Dumping the fifth wheel is probably a good business decision made for valid reasons.



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XP not feeling the love from some of the above posts, not surprised they have pulled the plug as both parties have said not very encouraging things in the past about the other's products, like Phil said there is a lot of great stuff around both free and payware, unlike FSX I have bought Airports for XP and not scenery, FSX I have bought ORBX scenery but only 2 Airports.......what I am surprised at is the backing of Aerofly FS2, I was getting the impression this was going nowhere.....


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I was feeling like there might be some personal issues behind this. John's explanation seemed less an explanation of why as an announcement that "We just aren't going there".


Too bad as Xplane looks like it has a Lot of potential, and it is a up and working 64bit platform already...and damn those cloud shadows look awesome.



I kind of feel like the Sim Developers rely too much on 3rd party devs to flesh out their products.

I know it is a different kettle of fish, but I metaphor it as buying a Flight Sim is like buying a Mazeratti with plastic lawn chair seats, paper floor mats, a flimsy steering wheel and Go Kart tires and rims, unpainted exterior with no trim, and hardware store brake light bulbs and fixtures...relying on 3rd party developers to sell me Interior and Exterior Upgrades to make my Mazeratti experience more pleasant...but hey, you don't NEED the leather seats, Silver Pearly Paintjob, and Mahogany Steering wheel, it still drives Just Fine stock...but you'll get faster Lane Rates if you at least upgrade the rims and tires .


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yeah it seems every sim we get it is expected that we have to accept we will be upgrading textures, weather, airports and planes, cant think of a recent sim where I have not had to do that.....I like your metaphor it works well.....trouble with XP is there is a lot of free stuff however as good as some is there is also some very poor free and payware out there......

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I was thinking that if you never heard of FSX or it's sidekicks and you were a fan of aviation, X-Plane would be a perfectly happy place to get your flight geek on. JAT:)


As much as I like ORBX/FTX products they aren't perfect and some of the scenery for XP looks just as nice or better so I think they will do just fine without JV empting their pockets.:D



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1 hour ago, wain said:

just out of curiosity has anyone here used Aerofly FS? only seems to be small, not worldwide a bit like DCS....




Some years back we did a quick desktop review of the original Aerofly FS. We came to the conclusion that If you liked photo real scenery and flying your 747 around Switzerland it was the duck's guts, otherwise, it was a total waste of money and time. Aerofly FS 2 has simply expanded that expansive scenery to California, Arizona, and Nevada (Switzerland seems to have been dropped). It seems to have an interesting range of aircraft, but no mention of add-ons or a development path for additional scenery.


Conclusion, it is still a total waste of money, unless you are a fanatic about photo real scenery.

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I agree with Andrew on this one, even though I have seen a few AF diehards swear it's the bomb I can't see it as a viable flight sim unless they expand to the whole world and developers or hobbyists get on board to start producing addons. I have to say visually their aircraft are gorgeous but the scenery is not my cup of tea.


If your just looking for a little fun or a change of pace and have the extra cash, go for it.

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AeroflyFS was all about eye candy & it did look fantastic (See below) but it just lacked content! If I remember correctly the developers just seemed to stop supporting it after release on the Steam platform anyway which seemed a bit of a strange business plan. Aerofly FS2 could be completely different I guess we will have to wait and see :whis: & a little bit gutted about the announcement it seemed like X-Plane was becoming the next best thing.








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