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Great review, Mr. Mutley. It has everything except the smells, I guess.... That's quite an accomplishment to model something that compact and detailed and not grind the machine into the dust.


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Fantastic review Mutley and great pictures to accompany it!

A few spelling mistakes. On the first page, in the second paragraph "There is an eclectic mix of styles from the dark"

On the second page in the very last paragraph "How can you fail to be impressed with the vast expanse of lit up widows and reflections in the water. "

Apart from those 2 typos which were easy to make, a fab review!

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Its much more fun than school thats for sure.

Mutleys school for boys :rofl:

By the way, in the scenery is the water textures around in the scenery coverage area part of of the scenery or is it a seperate add-on?

I may not have FSX but still interested in what everyones using

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I've tried a some of these addon sceneries, but they kill my FPS. It will go down to 2-4 fps, and is way too choppy to actually fly. Seems like if I turn down my graphic settings, it would defeat the purpose of having the new scenery, youthink that would be true?

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Hi John,

Yes, probably true, this scenery is very well programmed to make the best of system resources, my machine is not special by any means but this software is reasonably aimed with future advances in mind.


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