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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/17 in all areas

  1. A skeleton want to a ball, but as the evening progressed, he grew very sad. You see, he had no body to dance with!
    2 points
  2. I heard back from support and the the problem I logged, which I suspect was the same as yours, has now mysteriously vanished so you can again post direct links Happy flying!
    2 points
  3. Just remeber to read the licence as you might not be able to use this for entertainment and must only be used for educational purposes. So as long as you're learning something...
    2 points
  4. GAAR Leg 06 Normanton YNTN to Julia Creek YJLC A couple days in Normanton is MORE than enough to cure ANYONE of home sickness and you will WANT to leave (unless you REALLY like the fishing, like my Dad). So we're are fueled and ready to go at 0800 local and HOLY COW IT'S RAINING! Seriously, in "Tropical North Qld", summer time is commonly known as the Rainy Season, or Crazy Time as everyone just gets hotter and hotter and hotter until it bursts. It's not uncommon in the middle of Summer (and for the GAAR this leg was supposedly run on Feb 16) to be hitting 49C (120.2F) and 90%
    2 points
  5. Thanks everyone, I actually got totally lost on that flight and ended up landing on the road........
    2 points
  6. But I know some here are also sailors like me... Jumped today in the early access of "Sail Away" a realistic sailing sim. Real time, you can set your boat on a long trip while you are offline. You can teleport to anywhere in the world with real local weather. Every sheet, halyard, traveller, backstay, trimming device is working ( you can set difficulty from Beginner where the sim does all the trimming for you to Expert where you have to manage everything ) Chat with other people online or only 20 nm around you, weekly races organised. For now only 3 boats available ( wh
    1 point
  7. Great shots on all the legs Beejay, looks like you are having lot's of fun.
    1 point
  8. A skeleton walks into a bar, orders a pint..............and a mop!
    1 point
  9. I missed the "Easy Level" mention in the first post, yeah...good deal, no "watch" schedule necessary For a Transpac, I was kind of hoping for a luxury catamaran...with a well stocked bar...and hope for a Class Win.
    1 point
  10. It's your choice, I play it safe and choose to have the game adjust the type of sails and their trimming while I'm away... this way I can choose a bearing autopilot knowing the crew will adjust the sails while I'm resting. Going downwind I prefer using the wind angle AP to keep the boat moving at the best speed. For the moment it's not possible to create user races, you can only participate in the organized races, but it's a feature on the to-do list. In the meantime you can always compete separately on the same course racing against time. For the Transpac, I will wait until faste
    1 point
  11. Terrific shots and the new legs. Love that you finally got it on a ramp better sized for that beast.
    1 point
  12. Sometimes I love my PS4 .. Loic I couldn't agree more........
    1 point
  13. So funny and so true
    1 point
  14. Or at people who might want to spend more of their time just flying than downloading stuff, installing it, tweak it for hours, seeing it doesn't work, go to forums to get some help and finally manage to get it to work until they try to install other addons... Sometimes I love my PS4 ...
    1 point
  15. ortho looks good but I have struggled to get me head around it........may try it some day though, I make do with alpiolts mesh and addon on libs etc.....love the night lighting, or dawn and dusk lighting in XP11......seems like you are having a blast on this tour, great shots.....
    1 point
  16. Stage 3 - Bella Bella to Thumb Harbour Part 1 Whle I was having fun on the water, the Seasky kit has been mounted on the Eaglet, which was taken to the nearby Shearwater SPB. Weather is now friendly and we take off towards our first stop at Ocean Falls. After some 15 mns of flight, we are at the last turn with the flaps already on approach configuration : And I land on the water near an anchored cruise ship : The Heiltsuk native speaking people inhabited the coastal region surrounding Ocean Falls f
    1 point
  17. GAAR 2016 Leg 07 Julia Creek YJLC to Longreach YLRE Surprisingly the rain stuck around overnight and our 0730 start from Julia Creek see 12Kn winds from 065 and we are headed to Longreach via Winton. Once again, the GAAR calls for a stop at Winton, but it's only marginally bigger than Normanton so I think we'll fly overhead and wave and keep on trucking to Longreach. This time I decided I would use the tow and after a couple of restart whilst I figured out how to use the darn thing we rolled out onto the runway.. They didn't actually have a tug on st
    1 point
  18. Instinct told him to run North by Northwest, It was plane to see that was the right decision!
    1 point
  19. Nor do I, which is the reason I might get this
    1 point
  20. Well it looks promising to me
    1 point
  21. I'm not gonna ask for a haircut in this area, EVER!
    1 point
  22. This is a great aircraft to fly. Seen here at EGCC Manchester .
    1 point
  23. great shot there Phil, very detailed, never flown one of those, my look into it....
    1 point
  24. that looks quite good, but I understand nothing of sailing except which way up the goes....
    1 point
  25. Fun with Grant and Plane 1959. See the plane Grant. See Grant run from the plane. Run North Grant. Run West Grant. Run Grant Run!
    1 point
  26. Rumors of the day that Cary might be gay, caused Bi-planes to chase him hoping for his attention.
    1 point
  27. Thanks guys, sorry for the long break but I was forced to jump from our old host, you probably witnessed odd messages about being over bandwidth etc., they we're just messing with us. The main hold up was waiting for the domain names to transfer to our new host, '.com' TLDs like ours take seven days to transfer and there's no getting around that. Still, we're back and hit the ground running. I am working through a few teething issues at the moment so please bear with me. Cheers, Joe
    1 point
  28. Time just seems to fly by, Will see you again in about Three hours.
    1 point
  29. Knowing that the C-17 is MORE than capable of taking off and landing on short runways I went back to YNGU to set the record straight. After checking the weights and balances it seems that be default it loads with a full cargo load. Dropping all of the cargo we go a MUCH better result (unsurprisingly). It only took half the runway to reach our Vr of 115Kn And we climbed out beautifully too. OK Lets try with a half load of cargo at 87,478Lbs. A nice Vr of 128Kn and we take of 3/4 down the runway. You beauty! Thinking I
    1 point
  30. Looks all nice these!
    1 point
  31. Amazing beauties wow!
    1 point
  32. Mick, from Dublin , appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 euros. "You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, "but for a million euros you've only got one life-line left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go for it?" "Sure," said Mick. "I'll have a go!" "Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest? a) Sparrow b) Thrush, c) Magpie, d) Cuckoo?" "I haven't got a clue.." said Mick, ''So I'll use my last lifeline
    1 point
  33. A well respected doctor had sex with one of his female patients and felt guilty all day long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he just couldn't. The guilt and sense of betrayal of his patient was overwhelming. But every once in a while, he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice in his head that said: "Don't worry about it. You aren't the first medical practitioner to have sex with one of his patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let it go." But, invariably, another voice in his head would bring him back to reality, whispering: "You're a veterinarian".
    1 point
  34. Looks great Wayne and good fps too. Don't have P3D but if it's like FSX there should be a Font folder right in your P3D main folder. The font should have a .ttf extension.
    1 point
  35. Ditto, I Have bought a lot of similar aircraft over the years, now I am very choosy what I re-install
    1 point
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