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About Viking

  • Rank
    Commercial Pilot

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  1. Hello Just caught it on video for those who wasent able to. You can find it here at 08:08 into the video : http://hashd.tv/viking Enjoy Viking
  2. Thank`s brett and Mutley I`ll try and attach some barf bags to my next video then
  3. Video recorded on a trip in and around NWP US. Enjoy
  4. Viking


    Topic reminded me of another utility i ran over a while back. http://www.razerzone.com/gamebooster I havent tried it out myself, but i just might on of these day`s.
  5. Some really great picturs and great edit´s there Soya
  6. Viking


    Thank`s Joe. Im still having inconceivably much fun with this sim
  7. Viking


    First movie made with newly bought video editing software. It is what it is ...lol ... still trying to wrap my head around this thing. Best brakes ever seen on a soaring machine ...i`ll admit... but something went haiwire at the end of the movie. Strangely enough the "airbags" werent deployed ? http://youtu.be/liKxY_eF3MA Try and enjoy ... lol...
  8. Hello Im still foodeling around with this live streaming thang, but i have moved my stream to another channel for those interrested : http://hashd.tv/viking Still experimenting a certain body part off, to try and get this going. Anyway.... chat will be open and i will answer back to the best of my ability by "MIC", cause i really dunno how othervice to solve the typing problem while trying to stay aloft at the same time. There are still those ADS to fight with, but i have allowed visitors to use ADBLOCK to keep it kinda down. See ya.
  9. Hi Neddles Have you tryed deleting you fsx.cfg file ? MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE DOING SO It might just turn out that the config entries in the one u have now cant find the info in your reg.db after you got new hardware, so i would give that a try before going haiwire. File can be found here : C:\users\(yourname)\Appdata\roaming\microsoft\fsx On next start it will rebulid that file, but IF NOT mabye we can disturb the thang enough to at least produce an error code to work out from. My 10c All the best
  10. LOL .... Incredible how a post like this can evolve over a short period of time, and im so glad that you find the advertisement´s great while you wait for the flying Viking to show up..... ( long live good old North Atlantic sarkasm ) Thanks for posting back ...all of you ... there might first of all be a time difference between us, but to be more excact i usually start testing this on a daily basis from around 20:00 hours UK TIME, and thay usually goes ON / OFF for the next 8 - 9 hours or so.! I have ordered some more hardware and some stuff to really get going with this, so
  11. Hello Im experimenting a little atm. with live streaming when im roaming around in FSX. So ... if you have any interrest at all in watching how i try to stay alive up there my channel can be found here : http://justin.tv/vikingstream Grab a cuppa inbetween your own flights or whatever, and pop by for a probably ( at times ) hairy experience I will ( if all goes well ) mabye in the near future change the channel over to another streaming service for various reasons, but for now the chat on the current channel is turned off due to my inability to type and fly, a
  12. Hi there. I unfortunatly ran into this nasty baby released from MS Update, and it cripled my system TOTALLY...!!! Im on Win 7 64bit, and i really urge you to get rid of this ASAP!!! Windows update KB2823324 Here is links to help you out : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2823324 http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9238371/Microsoft_urges_Windows_7_users_to_uninstall_Blue_Screen_of_Death_patch And something from MS about the culprit... : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2839011 I know it`s 2 days late but it might save somebuddy`s flybut....! All th
  13. Viking


    Nice shot`s of a nice aircraft Alan
  14. Thanks for the comment`s fellow simmers.
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