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Everything posted by Longbeard

  1. Nice job! I guess I better pick an AC and get it prepped! :biggrin:
  2. I found pics and paint kits, etc there, but not the actual helo. I'll keep looking around. Thanks Joe!
  3. Anyone know where I can get a good freeware Bell 47 Helo? (Or really cheap payware) Like they used in the Korean War?
  4. You are talking about a multiplayer flight, correct? Sharing the AC? If so, I can co-pilot a little, assuming my schedule permits.
  5. I would be willing to try, but it would be the weekend before I'd get a chance. Maybe someone will be able to fit it in sooner?
  6. From what I've read, there may not be a version for chrome. Apparently google chrome doesn't play nice with toolbars. I am told that it won't work with IE8 right now either.
  7. My first entry this month... Extra at the Golden Gate Bridge.
  8. Here one... Jet Airliner by The Steve Miller Band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyQ1znMc3og
  9. Another option would be Irfanview, it's is a really good program, and it's free. I use it quite a bit! http://www.irfanview.com/
  10. I'd be up for it sometime, what time zone are you in, and when is a good time for you?
  11. I have installed some addon scenery, but theres no option to load any scenery in CP that I know of, and I don't have a traffic addon. I can't wait to get AH, might be a while with buisiness being like it is though.
  12. I don't know for sure if this problem is limited to only the L45, but here's whats happening. I am using the L45 in Cargo Pilot, and most of the time, when I start off, the nose of the AC is sitting on top of the fuel pumps. When I do a push back, the nose stays up in the air, with the AC sitting on it's tail, no way to get it down, other than to start taxi and keep bumping the brakes to shift the weight to the nose, otherwise, it will just wheelie all the time, with no steering at all.Qand of course, as soon as it noses up, the tail takes damage. Has anyone else ever experienced this, and i
  13. Some of those are really good!
  14. Funny you should say that... I've been playing around with painting AC for a few weeks now, and one thing I've found, is that unlike the race cars I'm used to painting, there is very little you can do to an AC to actually make it look better. Usually the more I paint, the worse it looks. Anymore, I like to see just a basic color, with a nice stripe, and maybe a decent tail logo, and call that enough. But thats just me.
  15. The only problem I've had with it is the smoke. Instead of the four smoke trails being arranged horizonally behind the engines, they are arranged vertically. Strange.
  16. I love this video! Z4 You need to use the "embed text string" within the "youtube" delimeters - Dai. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwDa5dMmfZ4&feature=PlayList&p=6EAA3BAC8F79C95E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=14
  17. I have another question about AC. It seems that you can only select flights that AC thinks you can make without refueling. However, on several of my flights, I have found myself running out of fuel long befor I reach the destination. Luckily, (so far) I have been able to scramble to a nearby AP to refuel, then depart and resume the flight. Is this normal? And if so, why can't I select longer flights, with scheduled refueling stops? I'm assuming that this is just another one of the downfalls that AC has. Another question, by stopping along the way to refuel, does that affect the outcome
  18. WOW! That is impressive Joe! How may FPS do you get with scenery like that?
  19. I can't seem to locate the online chat room on the toolbar, where am I missing it? Thanks! John
  20. My...what a big fire hose you have John! I'm going to have to chew on this for a while, theres a lot to absorb there. Thank you for the info! John
  21. Here's a few more I found... Major thrust I bet! Beep Beep! Coming through! I love flares! This is a cool 3D view of an A380 cockpit. http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm
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