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Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

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Posts posted by Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

  1. Bah, humbug. Surely you remember the classic song —


    Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
    Walking home from our house Christmas Eve.
    You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and Grandpa — we believe!     ^_^ 




    (Actually, there's a more entertaining video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgIwLeASnkw — but it's preceded by a 30 second advert...).     :huh:






  2. <grin>  Interesting how our perception of words changes — I can understand why it caught your eye, John.    :)


    (Also, some words of your Mr. Trump have been making news Over Here, so much so that a petition to ban him from entering the U.K. (was there ever any danger of that?) already has over 80,000 signatures, and it if reaches 100,000 it supposedly has to be debated in Parliament).


    Perhaps Flightsim Estonia should be advised to keep the words "Migration Tool" on the same line as "FSX to Prepar3D". Or even <*cough*> think up a slightly snappier name for it?      ;)





    a.k.a. brian747


  3. Lovely aircraft, Jim, and some great initial shots of it — although I'm looking forward to seeing more.     :)


    (The 300ER expansion is cool too, although poor old FSX can sometimes have a tough time rendering the additional three cameras when taxying...).    :whis:


    Have fun!





    a.k.a. brian747


  4. Hi John!


    (My apologies for the late reply — I've only just seen your post).


    When PMDG released the SP1d update for the NGX, the Poseidon came with it as an official livery — *and* with all the appropriate options preconfigured for you:    :)





    The only slight gotcher is that seemingly you have to completely uninstall your previous NGX and reinstall version SP1d before the livery becomes visible (as many people discovered, but as it happened I had done that anyway on my new machine). I have a sneaky suspicion that you probably need the latest updates to the PMDG Ops Center, too, (first), but I guess most people will have those anyway.


    Have fun,





    a.k.a. brian747

  5. @John


    Yebbut.... they seem to imagine that P3D licensing prevents simmers from using it, and hence they are running down their stocks.     :(




    > "They should know their market better than that."


    True, and I'm sure that RC Simulations (for example) do, whereas other retailers (notably, those for whom simming is merely a subdivision of their RW aviation stocks) don't (something which I suspect,  but my poll sample is too small to be anything like sure).




    > "I was dissappointed at the hardware at Cosford..."


    Likewise, which is what started me on this trail.    ^_^


    > "Like Joe said maybe these national retailers that used to supply need educating a little...."


    Hopefully, a well-respected outfit such as, for example, Mutley's Hangar could make its voice heard in a way which an individual simmer couldn't?     :whis:









  6. Great review, Jess!     :D


    It's a quirky aircraft by today's standards, but nonetheless you seem to have taken command with consummate ease (which is no mean feat), so huge congratulations on that, too.    :thum:


    I can't honestly say that it's on my personal bucket list of Aircraft I Can't Wait to Vly Before I Die, but it's definitely....interesting. (Or was that a Chinese Curse?).     ;)


    A most enjoyable read -- thank you.    :)





    a.k.a. brian747


  7. I think they look great!    :)


    By coincidence, yesterday I swapped my 744's standard runway lighting for Dirk Kurze's freeware "real xenon" lighting (circa 2007) and thought that was an improvement — until I watched your video.     :whis:


    So I have just dug my Shockwave stuff out of the archives and dusted it off, and in the process found a note to myself from 2011 to the effect that with the NGX there is — or was — a problem adding shockwave taxy lights to the nosewheel assembly, since the Shockwave dll repeatedly tries to turn the lights off when the gear is up. PMDG were allegedly looking into the problem, but since I haven't used my Shockwave lights for many years I don't know whether there was ever a final outcome.


    I wasn't able to identify your marque of 737 from the video, so I mention it just in case it's relevant.     :)


    Incidentally, my note also suggests these values for the NGX 737 (in case they're of interest to anyone):—


    light.2 = 5, 5.500, 8.1, .400, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow,// Right Inboard Landing Light
    light.3 = 5, 5.500, -8.1, .400, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow,// Left Inboard Landing Light
    light.4 = 5, 6.500, -3.7, -3.700, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow,// Bottom Left Landing Light
    light.5 = 5, 6.500, 3.7, -3.700, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow,// Bottom Right Landing Light
    light.6 = 6, 43.0, 0.0, -5.700, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow,//Taxi





    a.k.a. brian747




  8. [Later edit: it seems we were typing simultaneously, John!   ^_^ ]


    Hi Bryan!


    > "I have checked all the error logs"


    But which ones? All the ones you know about, obviously — but unless you give us the details we can't know whether you have checked the relevant ones.


    > "my flight sim is very unstable"


    OK, but that statement gives us zero information with which we can help you. When you read the Avsim document you will discover how to obtain information about the module which caused the crash, which may give us something to go on.


    Also, Brett's comment about TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 is very relevant when your hardware is taken into account. The 'Dell XPS 8700 Special Edition' is a 2013 machine with an i7-4770 processor running at 3.4GHz, so its speed is modest for running FSX, by today's standards. Furthermore, its motherboard has only a single PCIe x16 slot for the graphics card, with just a single PCIe x1 available for future expansion, so quite how or why you are contemplating a second GPU I'm not at all sure. Since the i7-4770 CPU is not the K edition, overclocking is not going to be possible (and the tightly-specified 460 watt power supply and single fan would rule that out anyway). In other words, if you max all your sliders to the right on that machine, you are guaranteed to have stability problems.


    Have you tried the old trick of saving your fsx.cfg file somewhere safe (so that you can reinstate it, if required) and then deleting the original, so that FSX rebuilds a standard configuration file when it restarts — and do you still have CTDs with the new fsx.cfg version? If the CTDs don't return, you could then run the new fsx.cfg through Bojote's automated FSX Tweaking & Tuning Service and see whether the CTDs occur then.


    But you do need to approach this methodically.    :cool:





    a.k.a. brian747


  9. Hi Bryan!

    And welcome to Mutley's Hangar. :)

    If I understand your frustration correctly, you are experiencing unexpected Crash To Desktop issues. In that case my suggestion would be that you go to this link (you will need to log in to Avsim) and download the document.


    Work your way through the document, following the instructions in the guide for what to do after getting a crash. Hopefully, that will give you a good start.

    If you need our help, please be sure to give us essential information such as precisely what led up to the crash, and the exact text of any errors that appear onscreen (or elsewhere, such as in the Event Log).

    Usually, a methodical approach to the problem pays dividends, but you do have to be prepared to deal with CTDs patiently and systematically, rather than hoping for a quick fix. ;)

    Good luck,



    a.k.a. brian747

  10. Hi Wayne!


    > "Seems wrong to be charged again."


    <sigh>  I couldn't agree more, especially since if in P3D I wanted to fly both the 777 and NGX aircraft types that I have already bought for FSX it would be (for me) prohibitively expensive:—


    Base package 777-200LR & 777F $134.99
    777-300ER expansion $29.99
    Base package 737-800/900 $89.99
    737-600/700 expansion $24.99
    So a total $279.96 (or £186.14 at the present rate of exchange).  <gulp>  I like PMDG's 777 and NGX, but do I *really* want to lash out nearly two hundred quid for the privilege of flying them in P3D? I think not.
    > "I am not sure if there products may be to involved for the time I have..."
    Why not download the tutorial for the NGX or 777 from https://www.precisionmanuals.com/pages/downloads/docs.html and see what you think? (There are lots of YouTube videos about both aircraft, too). And if you can fly the Airbus then I can't see that flying the NGX (or a 777) would take any more of your time — once the initial learning curve is over, of course.    :)
    > "I also worry about my system being up to the task..."
    I can't see from your specs what speed your processor is running at, but I found that my i5 760 (O/C to 4 GHz) managed quite happily with the assistance of a decent graphics card (and DX10 via Steve's Fixer, of course, to eliminate OOM errors when landing a complex aircraft at a complex airport).    ;)
    a.k.a. brian747
  11. (Please don't, Joe, you know my angst about that particular issue....).    ;)


    A great video, Jeroen, I really appreciated it.


    Hmm, I suppose if I did a charter flight from Athens and back,I could definitely get my 744 in and out of there....     ^_^





    a.k.a. brian747


  12. I haven't got P3Dv3 yet, for the reasons given, but I understand that PMDG have gone down the route of requiring their customers to pay a second time if they want to be able to run a PMDG 777 or NGX on P3D (a move which hasn't made them too many friends amongst those who (like me) have already bought those aircraft for FSX, as you can imagine!).     :gaah:  


    Which is presumably why the latest version of the Migration Tool has "Added legacy PMDG support (MD-11, etc)".    ;)


    But unfortunately, there also would appear to be some problems that will require Lockheed Martin to make changes before they can be fixed (see, for example, this comment from Randazzo: http://www.avsim.com/topic/476630-starting-pmdg-777ngx-from-fxml-file-fails-in-p3dv3/#entry3315500. ).


    Having said that, there seem to be some SimConnect problems floating around for complex aircraft from other developers, too, which is why I'm hoping for an automated solution. The newest version of the Migration Tool says that it "automatically installs SimConnect clients", which is hopefully a step in the right direction....    :whis:


    Hey ho. No one said it was going to be easy....    





    a.k.a. brian747


  13. No problem, Wayne, and thank you for your input.   :)  I'm well aware that many people might be able to approach the problem in the way you describe (which will work in many cases but not all, to judge from many posts I have read).


    However, as a 747-400 flyer (almost exclusively) I have a ton of large international airports worldwide, some of which date back to 2006 when FSX first appeared, so the prospect of tweaking each one individually is an extremely unattractive one. Which is why I am waiting for an automated solution to be available before contemplating any possible move to P3Dv3.    :P


    YMMV, and all that jazz.    ;)





    a.k.a. brian 747



  14. I have been watching the development of this tool for P3Dv3 — however until now (for me) it has suffered from this rather crippling limitation:


    "Migration Tool does not work on setups that have Prepar3D installed to a different partition from Windows."


    Since there's no way that I would ever consider mixing FSX and P3D and Windows on a single partition, that rather ruled it out, in my case. And given the large number of airports that I have accumulated over the years since FSX was released, many of which are somewhat elderly and so will never have the benefit of an "official" P3Dv3 installer, a working Migration Tool like this is essential before i could contemplate looking at P3Dv3.



    But on November 22nd Flightsim Estonia released Development Version —


    "Added legacy PMDG support (MD-11, etc), now supports multi-partition setups, automatically installs SimConnect clients, updated installer."


    Oh dear, it looks as though I could be starting to run out of excuses to avoid trialling P3Dv3.....    





    a.k.a. brian747



    P.S. The Migration Tool pages start here: http://www.flightsim.ee/products/migration-tool#download


    You can try it in demo mode to see whether it works for you; and to activate it fully the cost is a modest $13.95 (USD) from fspilotshop, or €12.05 (SimMarket)





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