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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. ddavid

    Plane question

    O.K. - but which file specifically!!! so we can get an idea of the problem! Cheers - Dai.
  2. ddavid

    Plane question

    Ola! Pedro - forgive me for 'Stomp' - just my joke. Why not give us the name of the download you are having trouble with (AVSIM file or whatever) so we can have a go at analysing the problem. Cheers - Dai.
  3. ddavid

    Plane question

    Hi pmtos (an anagram, Stomp?!? - well, why not!). O.K. - couple of questions: 1. Do you rely on auto install or do you put the aircraft files into FSX by hand? 2. If yes, have you ever printed out an aircraft.cfg file and looked at it in detail? A second "yes" answer and you're in a better position to analyse the problem with incompatibilies between the aircraft.cfg, sound and texture files, which generally are the problem. Of course, the panel will often use gauges that won't work in FSX - but that's another story........... Installing new free-ware ACs is often more fun than flying t
  4. No worries, C.H. - better to delay a bit and make a good job of it! Mind you, some of the best contributions are done under pressure...... :biggrin: Cheers - Dai.
  5. Some may think it's luck, but I've been working on "single-point" landings for some time....... :biggrin: Cheers - Dai.
  6. Thought I'd give it a go with the Caravan, but the nose wheel got caught up with the wires: Still, I did stop and get a mention in FSX's despatches! :biggrin: Cheers - Dai.
  7. Hey, Martin - don't take anything this guy says seriously. He still believes, erroneously, that our sun and other stars derive their energy from nuclear fusion. This is not correct. The radiated energy from stars is the result of an electrical plasma phenomenon - not fusion. Check it out! Cheers - Dai.
  8. Go get yourselves a copy of this..... It is by far the best book - O.K., it's fiction - on modern submarine operation that I've read. Makes "Hunt for Red October" feel like a Sunday School picnic. Joseph, the author, goes into sufficient detail on hydrophonics - not SONAR - as the basic facility that subs use to find out who shares their 'space'. Methinks they would have benefited from a certain neutrino telescope development, mentioned elsewhere in the Hangar (!) - but for 'coincidence', read stalking. Cheers - Dai.
  9. Almost missed this, what with Valentine's Day, and all yesterday..... BUT...... HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY TO THE HANGAR!!! The place is a real credit to you, Joe - thanks for having us!! Cheers - Dai.
  10. Nice one (or two!) Rob - will give it a go, thanks. BTW, which particular VFR download is required? Cheers - Dai.
  11. Alexei knew where he was going and the matron behind the bar left the vodka bottle close to hand. When, midway through his second glass, he looked up, I could see he was beginning to forget the flight from Abakan. No, I don't like flying, do you? Well, shrugging, I asked if we'd be going straight to the lab. Look outside - Dimitri's waiting. He pointed throught the double glazed window to the apron below where an old Czseznovksi 208 stood in the drifting snow. He'll fly in any weather and, anyway, what's in Irkutsk now that the hydro plant is finished and the Bratsk dam filling up? Clearly,
  12. Hallo Boys - Dimitri, well he is busy with friends from Komsomol and tell me to write you that all photo are with some bucket thing I din' know about but I nearly finish with typing his report and say to you that I post this report in next 24 hour. O.K. - have good time - Olga......
  13. South Wales Aviation Group (http://cardiffstathan.blogspot.com/) reckon it might involve 2 GROB G115E's or similar: Here's a larger version http://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/photo/222136.html My uncles used to farm at Stormy Down - about 4 miles from Kenfig Sands. In fact, I used to play in the sand dunes when I was a kid...... Not nice at all. Cheers - Dai.
  14. Maybe you've heard that Wycliffe BArrett, who posts on the Horizon website, is organising a flight Sim show at The County Hall. Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff (CF10 4UW) on Saturday 11th April 2009. I think this is 'Easter Saturday' - more details here: http://www.wycliffebarrett.co.uk/cwfss.html Hope to see you there! :smile: Cheers - Dai. :great:
  15. Gawd! You're amostas old as me! :great: Hope you enjoyed yesterday, mate! :smile: Cheers - Dai. :great:
  16. Found this whilst doing some "leg work" (sorry!) for the ATWC. Follow the link and click on an image - then select 'puzzle! Enjoy...... http://www.russianmuseums.info/M1939images Cheers - Dai. :great:
  17. Yep, that's Pam on the beach, all right..... Cheers - Dai.
  18. No sooner had I finished my Leg 24 post (part one) than this is published in The Gaurdian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/feb/05/aeroflot-drunk-pilot And, no, it wasn't Dimitri, either! Cheers - Dai.
  19. Do you mean this one, Steve? They're still working on it, last I heard....... Cheers - Dai.
  20. If you make it a bit smaller, you could use the 'gif' as your Avatar, Joe! Cheers - Dai.
  21. Looks like this app has runway, taxiway and parking information. There's also a list of radio frequencies but I'm not sure whether these cover navaids - it's a blind spot for me at present! The pop-up 'gauge' is probably designed for "ground use" - but it looks really handy for when you're planning which way to get into an airfield you only know the ICAO for...... Cheers - Dai.
  22. Picked this up from Jim Kenny over at Vorona Aviation - it's a new app for FS9 and FSX which displays Airport Charts as a pop-up guage (like GPS) when you're in 2-D Panel mode. Developed by Holger Maass, you can find it here: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=apchart.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search Downloading is fairly straightforward, apart from some German dialogue (Ach, Du Liebe! Ed), and there's a pdf User Guide. Actually getting the Airport Chart Gauge to 'pop' up in FSX was a bit harder, however, after a couple of visits to the AVSIM Forum, I sorted it out for the defaul
  23. Well, Surprise, Surprise - we're 400 metres from the sea and we had around 4 inches last night. So, how's about a new competition, eh? GUESS THE CAR!! It's Pam's - couldn't find the tractor...... :great: Cheers - Dai.
  24. Thanks for the kind comments, Chaps! Got most of the RW under control again - except the bl**dy sheep...... :great: And I've posted the first Part of Leg 24 - it's up to you now! Cheers - Dai (Dimitri).
  25. And now for something unusual. With your co-operation, I'd like to try something a little different for this Leg of the ATWC. You will see there's a vote associated with this post - I'd like you to vote on which alternative ending you'd like for the final part of this Leg. The first part is fairly straightforward - the Baton has been picked up at Abakan (Thanks Eric!) and will initially be taken to Irkutsk - see the following screen shots and narrative. When you've reached the end of the post I'd really like you to consider how you'd like to see it finished. There are 3 options - and it's your
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