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Posts posted by donnybalonny

  1. Its amazing the amount of addons with coarse elevator trim. I think 50 - 60 % of my AC addons have had their elevator trim fixed like described above.

    Compare with A2A aircraft. They have very fine adjustment of elevator trim. Sometimes even to fine.

    Lovely screenies. I think I will get the bird soon and hope they will make a patch before to long.

  2. In a weeks time it will be 20% more expensive.


    Reports are that there are a good deal of bugs (see justflight forum). Thats not something special. Most AC addons come with a few (or many) bugs. Mostly because of a to early and fast release. We the costumers are paying beta testers.


    Some of the bugs are not important to me, but prop and mix levers going wrong way is annoying, and the worst reported is navigation instruments no working the way it should. Thats for me a serious bug, because navigating in old-style AC is really fun IMHO.


    I´m not sure, maybe I´ll get it while its cheap. They have promissed a Patch. But they have also promissed a patch for the Fokker F27 (autopilot) and that was a long time ago. Or maybe I´ll just wait and see if they fix stuff.

  3. I read yesterday that the Dove is very close to be released. Just a matter of waiting (as usual) Those wanting it will buy it. I saw a real life one hanging from the ceiling in the museum in Lelystad in Holland a few weeks ago and it is a very sweet looking AC. (from below)

    It was first announced in February this year. 


    John, you´re right that its better to get a good program late than a bad one early. I was just wishing out loud, which I hope is ok.. :)

    I also know that its a sole develloper and that besides facing what you write, a person in his wifes (I think) family died of a very mean desease. A desease I´ve had way to close to my own life.  All this the develloper wrote on the Justflight forum, so I think its ok to write it here.



  4. Very much so, and as much as there was other totally irrelevant commentary in the original post.


    I guess some people never learn though.


    I once read on an Aerosoft Forum, "...I'm glad I'm not the one that has to answer all the crap being written here...I dont envy you.".


    Does that sound familiar, it should!!!


    It's a pity that person doesn't apply the same basic, common courtesy when he visits this forum.


    I feel sorry for you Andrew. You must be going through tough times. Nothing else would explain why you choose to attack me with all arms right from your first post. You are not interested in what I write, but only in throwing dirt against me. I did, of course, report your posts to admin. Everyone should be treated equal, no?


    And finally what I or others write on other forums have nothing to do with what is going on here. And that you have to use souch cheap ways, only show me how bad you must be out.

  5. I just found this one and thought that maybe someone here would be interested. I will get it soon, while its still (very) cheap.

    Its made by Aeroplane Heaven who has made a lot of JF aircraft. The last one, the Fokker F27, which I personally like.





    Now I just wish Aeroplane Heaven would finish the Dove. They say its very close and I also wish that Justflight would release Airhauler 2 within to long. Its been a long wait.  ^_^

  6. Ohhhh, not to good. Unfortunately I cant help you but wish you good luck with your quest. And welcome back


    But i will allow myself to ask, now that you are back if you are still considering making a Virtual airline for Propliners and bushplanes.

    I can remember that you had some interesting ideas.

  7. IMO, FSX-SE shouldnt be tweaked and it has 4096 as max texture load by default.


    To be honest, I think you should ask at the ORBX forum. You´re not the only one with this problem and they should be able to help you better than here. After all, its their scenery.




  8. Does it also happen if you stay inside the VC. Or is it mostly when changing views.

    I have the same issues sometimes when changing views. (VC,outside, tower, aircraft) It happens mostly when going to Aircraft view.


    I have deleted the aircraft views on most of my planes and it has helped. I dont want them anyway. I prefer to just have the VC, outside and tower views.

    When I get the issue, I either look down on the seat and nothing else (something fixed and simple that doesnt move) for a couple of seconds and then it goes away.  Or if I´m in a stress situeation, I pause as described.


    I have a feeling but I´m totally sure, that the more scenery I install, the more frequent and longer lasting the issue gets.

    I have a pretty clean install of some US regions on a fresh P3Dv2.5 install and the issues happens very seldom.


  9. In Europe, I use the Orbx global/vector/openlc package and I´m resonably happy with it.

    No problems with FSX-SE so far. I have a lot of free and payware airports on top of it and it works pretty well. I dont think there´s anything else out there that i would prefer.

    I have ORBX uk and Ireland regions, but they are not installed because the FPS suffers enormously specially if you use airport addons.


    FSX-SE I have set up for two specific flying styles

    1) Virtual airline with jets

    2) and GA flying in Denmark, northern Germany and the Alps.


    I have P3D with the ORBX American Northwest regions. Mainly set up for bush flying.  Since these are not very "civilized" regions, the fps impact is small. I personally find that ORBX regions dont work well in places with many cities and airports.

  10. Thats a very nice one. And its good to see that you keep painting it 2 years after. It means that you must like it.

    I was very close on buying this one on the 4th july sale, but I thought... You have so many bushplanes and I had just aquired the A2A comanche. But I like Lionhearts old birds and the Kodiak as well. Even though they are not the most realistic, they are always fun to fly and his style has a ton of inmersion for me.

    And finally, thanks for making me the very nice danish repaint for the Comanche. I use it a lot. :)

  11. I agree with the pack, the Comanche is really good. Its clearly the best GA aircraft I´ve had in my sim-hands.

    Its very lively and fun to fly and at the same time, again in my hands, its the A2A that I find to be the easyest, especially to land. I find that they got the reaction to elevator and aileron input really well this time, something I hasn´t been their strong point before.  Before I always had to find  acompensation in FSUIPC, but this one its not necessary and thats clearly an advantage, because even though the FSUIPC settings helps, it has its disadvantage as well.


    Nice shots as well. I´ve done that flight a couple of times myself. My favorite part of flying Ireland is the coast of kerry and Donegal.

  12. Nice Video, I have the 404 Titan but this could be arriving to my hangar soon....what I like is what you said about installing into P3D too, except the old A2A C172 all the aircraft I buy, and scenery to must be able to be installed into both sims, thats the only reason I cant force myself to buy the Comanche....



    The Comanche is VERY good and if you pay enough, it install into both sims.


    Its to expensive yes, but it saves me a lot of money because the quality difference is so big that I wont be using money on things like the Navajo. But it sure is pretty. 


    You guys should take a look at what people are saying on the unofficial Carenado forum over at avsim. And no, I dont write there, I just read, so you dont have to be afraid of reading my blurbs.  :cool:

  13. I have the Cessna 402 from Flysimware and I really like it. 

    I find it to be a very nice twin. FDE is very good and things work the way they should. Views are very good. Textures are maybe not as good as Carenado/Alabeo, but the rest is A LOT better than what I´ve tried from these 2 devellopers. And actually, the AC looks a lot better on my PC than it does on flysimwares screenshots. I used it on the Mebar flights this easter


  14. Well, I´m mostly into complexity in flight dynamics, thats why I said A2A products. They are complex in all aspects.

    Another very nice little Turboprop liner is the PMDG BAE Jetstream 41. It may look a little dated on the outside compared to some of the more flashy competitors, but it really flies well, the buttons are all there, the VC is stunning and the FMC is pretty simple and easy to learn. 

  15. What kind of complexity are you looking for and could you be more specific in types of GA aircraft. There´s a big Difference between a pipe cub and a Cessna Citation X.

    The A2A Piper cub, Cessnas and the Cherokee are all pretty complex and will need that you do things right, especially if you have failures on. Besides that, the one ones I have, the C172 and the Cherokee, flies really well when you have set them up correctly.

  16. Quickmarch

    Going back to your original post you say that you dont care about sids and stars..

    Then why use an AC with a Navigraph or similar nav database (read airac cycles)?


    There are addons like the CLS (justflight) jetliners, that has an fmc and that uses FSX nav data. Others like the Feelthere Ambraer 135/145 the 175/195 and the Qualitywings B757 and Bae 146 have the option to use fsx data or navigraph data in their fmc.

    Some of those, are getting really good reviews and may be as good or better for you than the Boeings from PMDG and IFly that you have.


    AC like the PMDG, IFly, Maddog md80 etc, more or less needs that you to work with charts and navdata that are in sync. And that means buying stuff for them.

    I personally like using SIDs and STARS, but i agree with you that if you dont have navdata and charts that work together, then it can be pretty frustrating.

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