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Everything posted by Onward79

  1. Thank you, all. Brian....I can drag the Plan G icon across to my secondary monitor but, sliding my pointer across there and clicking 'Open' results in the map appearing on my primary monitor. What to do? My connections, with limited sockets, smaller monitor - from its VGA socket via a VGA/DVI adapter and into a DVA socket on my PC. larger monitor - from its VGA socket to a VGA socket on my PC. . The larger monitor is designated as my main display. Any other info I can pass to you?
  2. Recently I bought a second, and slightly larger monitor. I'd like to display Plan G's map on the smaller, older one whilst I'm viewing FSX on the larger one. I have them set up on 'Extended' view. Any thoughts from the Oracles? Many thanks.
  3. Thanks, Mike. I am a devotee of Doofer911. I too think his videos are outstanding. I shall settle there until he finally finishes.
  4. I shall start hunting, Brett.
  5. It appeared to me to be the same and I notice that Brett's link has no reviews as yet. Humm....pause for further thought.
  6. Ah! You little devil, John. Just what I was looking for, Brett . You chaps seem to have everything at your finger tips. Many thanks from another happy customer.
  7. I see that FSX:SE have launched a Mission entitled.... FSX:Steam Edition - FS Academy: On Do we vanilla folk have anything similar available?
  8. Many thanks to both of you. I shall pop into Tesco's pronto.
  9. With a somewhat limited budget I want to replace my long serving 19" monitor. I've seen a BenQ GL2250HM LED TN monitor but I'd appreciate some advice from you knowledgable folk. My sim-ming is currently concentrated on FSX Steam. Thanks.
  10. I've organised a refund as that app has given up the ghost with my system. I shall try your suggestion of using Plan G, Brett.
  11. I think you hit the proverbial nail n the head, my friend. However I've had to arrange a refund on that App as I could no longer get the aircraft to alter its heading despite making adjustments on the HSI. Thank you for your most useful advice.
  12. I've just installed this little app on my iPAd 3. It works fine but I am puzzled. When ordered to intercept a bearing, does that mean I simply have to overfly the station itself without having to intercept the bearing at some point BEFORE arriving at the station? And can anyone tell me why, when I adjust the heading on my HSI by adjusting the OBS, why my aircraft's icon heading on the map doesn't alter at all? Strewth!
  13. I'm looking forward to my first Flight Sim show visit as well. i would like to ask for some advice about those triple monitor layouts. I've had a chat with Wired2Fire but my problem is with my desk and the mounting arm. There's not enough room for a clamp at the back edge and wondered if anyone had overcome this somehow. I recall seeing a fixture that involved drilling through the desk and a stout fastening underneath but am still trying to find that again. Any thoughts, folks?
  14. Onward79

    Win 10 & FSX

    I totally agree with comments....as i said, I am only trying to add to the debate that will probably run and run.
  15. Onward79

    Win 10 & FSX

    To add to any debate regarding this meeting of two 'minds', I should like to know if anyone has had success with this amalgam. I have read a couple of reports that spoke of either disaster or a clash of DivX systems. Is it best that one should choose the Clean Install route and then re-install FSX or just go for the Update route and accept the baggage, collected over time, that will probably still remain? And will FSX still run? What with FSX Steam, and now Win 10, I feel like taking a long holiday.
  16. Thanks,Wayne. I do have FSX already on my PC. I'm enjoying it enormously but am attracted by a ' Modernised' version with Steam.
  17. And if I d/load and install the 'Basic' Steam am I then able to buy, and then add, FSX Steam to that account....would you know? I see that there are quite a few free games available now that will run on Steam, my thoughts being try some of them first of all and then, if all goes well, go for FSX... Phew.
  18. Now that IS a site to warm the heart of a navigator, marine or aviator. Many thanks.
  19. No suggestions about the swift and easy technique for deciding on which entry to choose to enter the Hold pattern, John? Very helpful advice about that Stabdard rate of turn.
  20. Working towards succeeding with that Instrument Checkride, is there a swift and easy way of deciding the type of entry into the Hold? In addition, how does one ensure that one's turns in the Hold are at a standard rate......or is that not important in that Checkride?
  21. I'd like t know how one gets the marvellous Plan G to install on an iPad 3. Does the d/load available recognise an iOS ? Can't spot where it says that.
  22. I'm almost a junkie with this programme already. Thanks to all of you.
  23. I'm sold. Bit more studying lies in wait.
  24. Many thanks for all that, folks. Most reassuring. Might I also have a steer for "John's charts"?
  25. Thanks, Andrew. However I see that other folk have had troubles with Plan G. Still recommended?
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