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Everything posted by reef

  1. reef

    RAF Leuchars.

    Cheers guys, one tries his best Heh Dai even in wet weather the pilot needs to get in and one thing i love about autumn......no Flymo!! Here is another before i move on... Thanks again guys... steve
  2. reef

    RAF Leuchars.

    Thanks Joe. I know what you mean about the grass and fearing the reaper (DAI) anytime now :shock: I had not wanted to use photo elements in the shot and got a little carried away i think. It had meant to be a low vantage point through the grass but still got overlong :mrhappy: I love putting detail in which is why my first repaints are taking so long. Anyhoo, glad you liked it... steve
  3. reef

    RAF Leuchars.

    Since reinstalling FS9 i remembered one of my favourite flights was the Herc from Waddington to Leuchars bothe UKMIL freeware. Heres a before and after of Leuchars. Before... ..and after. No doubt some will like the before shot :mrhappy: steve
  4. reef


    Well it was only a quickie but glad you liked it. Would love to see this hulk as a quality payware. Maybe alphasim will get around to re-doing theirs one day. steve
  5. Very nice. The maddog always makes a nice shot IMO. steve
  6. reef

    Almost There

    Its a lovely shot but spoilt a little by the artificing. I usually post my shots as a high quality JPEG which comes through nice and sharp. steve
  7. reef

    Recce for ATWC

    Lovely shots Joe. I think the DC3 is liked by all. steve
  8. Lovely stuff and way to go getting a paint done, mine are taking forever :mrhappy: If you have not already you should take a look at UKMIL. They have some great freeware RAF bases including Waddington, Leuchars, Conningsby and Cranwell all with suitable AI. steve
  9. Congrats on the news and a lovely set of shots. Look forward to more when time permits :mrhappy: steve
  10. A great set of shots. The modeling looks great from where im sat, might get into flying tubes again one day.....just not yet :mrhappy: steve
  11. reef


    Just a quickie of the UKMIL Victor. This is the same type i got up in at Elvington. This thing almost broke my speakers the engine noise is HUGE!! I also i forgot they were quite high from playing music :eyebrow: Be warned, this thing puts out some serious db outage. Thanks for looking... steve
  12. Loving the first King Air shot but all are mighty fine. Looking forward to seeing more shots :eyebrow: steve
  13. A great capture! FEX can throw up some really nice skies at times. Thanks for posting :eyebrow: steve
  14. reef

    Taking off.

    Cheers guys, looking forward to doing a few more if time permits. steve
  15. reef


    A great set, reminds me of the ATWC. Thanks for taking the time to post and bring on some more please :mrhappy: steve
  16. reef

    Taking off.

    Hey guys. Believe it or not i never seem to get good shot for editing out of FSX. So anyhoo, with FS9 fired up i took a P-51 for a spin and heres just the one shot. Comments and critique welcome as always. Thanks for looking... steve
  17. Whoa Phil your second shot is a winner, a peach of a shot. Not much hope now and have no WAF for snazzy angles so two pretty plain shots from me. I might post a 3rd if i get time but with a P-38 about to arrive i might be a little busy steve
  18. reef

    KLM 777

    Great colour to this one although a little tight on the nose, maybe a little more room to breathe next time Nice to see you post again, hope all is good in your part of the world. steve
  19. Great shots Joe. The hunter certainly was nice looking aircraft. Intresting to see you will be able to buy this boxed and also Play.com have it for cheaper than alphasims own site. steve
  20. Heh its funny how so many always come out with so many different ways to do the same thing :mrhappy: The problem with giving it a distinct theme ie airliners, is if you dont like airliners it aint much fun. The one thing that caught my attention with the origional ATWC was its diversity in choice of craft that people flew. So anyway heres an idea for you, a simple around the world challenge pretty much as its always been done but each leg has a date in time for your aircraft. Maybe start at the begining of flight working through the years till towards the end of the challenge your up to mo
  21. Lovely shots and quite an adventure. I think you would have enjoyed the ATWC here at Mutleys. steve
  22. I'm pretty sure the USB is only for setting up the router and not for using as a line. However if your thinking about having a PC upstairs it may be worth getting yourself a wireless router. You can still run your main pc of wired while being able to use a laptop anywhere you want and still get a signal. The cost for such gear is pretty cheap these days. steve
  23. Its on Just Flights site as 24th October and is the main reason for not rebuilding my AI. Great shots Joe, nice mood in some of them. FSX is finally starting to mature :mrhappy: steve
  24. Hi JPS. It depends on your router and how many ports it has. Mine personally has 4 and we run 3 PC's from it. If its wireless a laptop should be able to pickup the signal but if not you would need to run an ethernet cable to your new PC from the router. Hope this helps. steve
  25. reef

    Just a quickie.

    Hmmm 2004? Are my shots that bad ? :mrhappy: ? The origional shots were from FTX blue which without doubt is FSX. The wing shadows are obviously then, FSX self shadowing. Just curious, why did you think 2004 ? Glad you liked the shots Joe, both this and the others in screenshots. steve
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