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Everything posted by reef

  1. Hey guys. Just a quick edit on one of my screenies posted in screenshots. Nothing much but something. Boeing/Bae goshawk. steve
  2. reef

    Pure Freeware

    Hey guys. I recently posted about the avaliablity of a Demo from FTX giving you the chance to fly Tasmania in the springtime over in the annoncements. Here are a few screens showing also the Boeing/Bae Goshawk Training aircraft. This is also freeware for those who missed it. If you have FSX acceleration you have no exscuse not to fly this beauty. Enjoy the shots, only cropped, spun and lightened but no other editing. Launceston, a freeware airport on Tasmania avaliable from FTX also. Being a navy pilot, i headed for the coast. Messed a little. Then a fast low return. Returning ho
  3. Port side tail is a little lost in the first but great shots as usual. This scenery really does look like payware. steve
  4. Very nice. Love seeing the oddeities agricultural aviation throws up. steve
  5. reef

    Farewell Zoom

    Lovely shots Joe. Have always liked the Zoom livery and you show it off welll here with some great angles. Hope to soon get back into taking some shots :mrhappy: steve
  6. Hey guys. Some of you know i quite like FTX the rather nice coverage of Australia as it not only massively improves the default, but also frames. Take a look here for the Demo of Tasmania in Springtime http://fullterrain.com/freeware.html Now don't be thinking, puh, only Tasmania. Its quite a large place and will take you a long time to fly it especially GA. I would aslo recomend getting from the same page, the Mesh which brings it all alive. The 130+ freeware airports by the OzX team which not only include some very challenging airfields which require skill to both find and land at, but also
  7. Hey guys. I have been so busy of late i hardly have time to read forums let alone post. Anyhoo its Sunday evening and i have nothing to do until i go to work at 6am on the morrow so i thought i'd share a couple of snaps i took while on my wedding anniversary. My self and Sarah spent a great weekend up at york. While on a trip from there to harrogate for a spot of shopping i noticed a sign for RAF Linton-on-ouse and the wife gave me the ok to take a peek on the way back. Lucky for me budding RAF pilots were not lazing about and actually getting some flight time in. Here are a few shots of them
  8. A lovely shot. Just a small point, lights in the night tend to shine very bright, especially runway lights. steve
  9. Just needs a boy with a fishing rod on the moon and its complete :clap: A little on the large side George but a lovely night shot. steve
  10. The lighting is certainly different to the background as George says but its a nice effort. Nice to see the 732. steve
  11. Its a beauty Chris you should be proud of this one. Love the touches such as the aircraft in the distance cutting though the sky. Just a couple of small suggestions which you can take or leave. maybe lose the shine of the chrome on the engine. If its bright enough to reflect light as bright as that then the aircraft would also. The other is just its a bit of a shame you lost the tail. In a closeup shot of detail, clipping an aircraft is fine but depicting the whole aircraft its hould be fully within the frame. Please don't take these as putting the shot down as its quite obviously a great shot
  12. Above all i value other peoples opinions on my shots more than how i feel it looks. This is how i have improved over time so am always happy for somone to say no, thats not right. I agree with Rosariomanzo and feel the shot could be improved. I understand also this is your second composite and in my opinion, composites are by far the hardest edits to get right. Be wary of trusting FS to get your lighting right. When the sun sets below the horizon and all is dark, quite often my aircraft remains very bright which shows, it can get it very wrong. Look forward to more and if any questions you w
  13. Its a very nice piece and great to see a new face doing some edits. Look forward to seeing more from you :clap: steve
  14. Ooo nice reflection work, a tricky one to take on with so many contact points. I always take a picture from the opposite side of the reflection which is usually from under ground level. Its the only way to get it true but you have done well here none the less. As Joe says i am not around as much. Sorting my PC, a ton of work on and just had 3 days away for my wedding aniversary. Sadly no edits either as zero time hope to get back into it soon. Keep up the good work... steve
  15. Hmm i could be way wrong here as i often am but is the B-25 not built by North American so an odd choice for a Boeing contest. Dai i think you have a missing texture on the belly dome. Also if interested take a look at Yago9s' skin for this bird, its photoreal and brings it alive. Nice to see a non airliner entry though, top marks for that alone. :clap: Keep it up guys, so much talent here i don't know how Mr Mutley chooses a winner :roll: steve
  16. reef

    A bad experience.

    Aye i know what your saying as i got the RMA nuber to send it back and then started to read reviews of cards. The 4850 always comes up top for the price range. The card has been re-installed after a format because of some weired issues i got swapping the card 4 times. Its slick in all my games so can only hope they sort it for FSX. Funny how you can make bad choices while raging about something steve
  17. I notice Aerosoft have it avaliable from them also, did they have a hand in it or is it pure Horizon ? Also i don't think you mentioned it will include London City airport as a free download when its ready to anyone buying the download version and will come in the box, again which will be released when the airport is done. Looks great though Joe and nice to see the UK get some high detail treatment. steve
  18. reef

    A bad experience.

    "One that properly works with FSX!" My system works fine with FSX ta very much. The 4850 card has been slated on many forums as a poor performer with FSX where AA comes into play. As i can only run at a max 1280x1024 with my monitor AA and AF a very important to me and as this card is not doing that well i have no choice but to lose the card. The 4850 is an incredible performer for its price in just about every other game so is a shame only FSX struggles with IQ. I only recently revamped my PC as you know Joe and my PSU is only 550. I think the 9800GX2 is power hungry. Also in FS the 9800GTX
  19. reef

    A bad experience.

    Kieran my brother has a 4870 and has no issues at all. I think its very much dependant on your own setup as to how good or bad a product is. Lucky for me Overclockers have imediately accepted it for return so at least all i lose is postage. Now which Nvidia card will i get :mrhappy: steve
  20. reef

    A bad experience.

    Yes tried many filter combos Joe, no matter what i tried it always looked worse than my old card. Its looking like a 9800 GTX for me now. A hard lesson but thank God for system restore points :mrhappy: steve
  21. Hey guys. Well, i decided to buy a new GFX card and my choice for bang for buck was the ATI Radeon 4850. This would be my first ATI card but with good reviews i thought now might be the time to move away from Nvidia. Big Mistake!! I was really looking foreward to getting the new card so when it came and installed with no issues i was one happy chap. Of course what else would be my first try but FSX. Pretty good so far with what seemed like very smooth frames but something was wrong. Everything seemed a bit fuzzier ? Ah it had reset to 1024 so back up to my native 1280 and it looked bloody a
  22. An amazing post with some really good snaps. Glad you had a great time and back safe. steve
  23. reef


    I think it only costs about
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