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Everything posted by reef

  1. Hey guys. Always happy to help out if needed but will leave that to the boss to work out. The ATWC should not be hindering your exams Marcus i'm sure Joe would agree so don't worry about not getting the flight done. steve
  2. You have been busy and i remember some of these. Fine work sir... :yes: steve
  3. Part 2 Lighting Hey guys. Moving on now to bringing the shot alive a little. Hehe just seen some nice spelling mistakes but being edited into the shot, they remain :yes: Remember you can take and leave what you want from these tutorials. You may only need one or two things to help spruce up your own shots. I always decide what will be done for each individual edit. No point putting reflections on a matt camo aircraft. Hope this of help so far. The last section soon, finishing it off. steve
  4. Looking good wayne. steve
  5. Looking good too Joe, glad your finding it useful. steve
  6. Looking good so far Wayne. Will get the next section up as soon as i get time. Should not be too long. If something i do in PS does not relate into PSP let me know and i'll try to give an alternate way to achieve the same. Thanks for the IT tip :roll: steve
  7. No problem at all guys, if i can find the time its easy enough to do. A confession though, i forgot to save my in progress files so will have to re-edit the shot to get to this point :roll: Remember to save your progress !! If its in Photoshop PSD. is best. I'll wait till any who wants to get a progress shot up and ask any questions before we move on. steve
  8. Hey guys. After a request from Wayne to show how i achieve some of what i do, i had the idea to run through some things in short tutorials. The idea being i can show something and wayne could try it so i could give pointers is in essence, a workshop. This will be done in Photoshop but much of what is shown will apply to most editing programs so even if not all useful, you may learn one or two things to help out your own edits. After we organized to do this Joe also fancied following the posts. Basically if you want to get involved and try some things, feel free. Part 1 Getting started and s
  9. reef

    KLM at KBOS

    :shock: Heh no worries Joe, although your editing is already might fine imo. steve
  10. Another fine flight and great selection of aircraft. Personally loved the halifax shots out of them all but great set all round. Top Job sir steve
  11. reef

    KLM at KBOS

    No problem, will just be like doing a slow edit you never know i might learn something. What i'll do is get a shot up and go through what i would do. Take it a stage at a time with a few shots of instructions and see how it turns out for you. I have no idea how the end product will turn out as it will be an edit for me also so should be ineteresting. I'll start a new topic when i get all sorted. steve
  12. Hey Needles. Don't worry about the board, thats just to let pilots know where we are up to and Joe keeps it updated. You can fly anytime and sort your shots and commentary. All Joe asks is that you leave 36 hours before posting after the flight prior to yours to allow people to soak up that leg and leave comments. Also preferably post it within 4 days of the prior flight so we can keep it all moving along. Hope this helps and any more questions just fire away. steve
  13. reef

    KLM at KBOS

    Thanks guys, i tried to stay away from a high impact shot here and just tried to create a little realism. Wayne i did try to start an edit workshop here on Mutleys but was next to no interest. I did write the tutorial here but its pretty old now and half of whats in it i don't use anymore. The problem with a tutorial is to cover everything would be enormous and while smaller ones may be useful for key areas, they would not produce a full edit. If you want we could try an editalong (new word :???: ) I could post a shot to edit and we could go through some techniques to take it from a stock
  14. reef

    KLM at KBOS

    :???: another edit... Spent more time getting the background on this one. Thanks for looking... steve
  15. Heh try looking for a slovakian FS website, thats the best way. steve
  16. Rosario did say on the last section he was rather busy. No problem Kieran, will just have to do my own flight to Courcheval :???: Keep the flight open Joe, you never know someone might fancy Slovakia. steve
  17. Get some flying done, just interferance is all i see steve
  18. Each to their own Marcus. After all, the ATWC would not get too far without you long haul guys steve
  19. Be happy to fly from Courcheval Joe but only if no one else wants it including yourself. Reims cessna freeware would be a great choice from such a strip. steve
  20. Very nice, the rotate being the stand out here. Whats with the lights on the Md-11, some are pointing sideways ? Never seen that before. steve
  21. Think its funny that your flying but posting shots. If a flight does not hold my attention then i don't fly it, long haul is just not my bag Nice shots all the same though :mrhappy: steve
  22. Hehe a fight for a flight :mrhappy: steve
  23. reef

    Pan-Am 747

    Thanks guys and appreciate your being honest. Will endevour to get the next one right steve
  24. Great shots once again. Hope you get some sunny weather as your in a great spot for some corking shots. steve
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