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Posts posted by pacinka

  1. Hmm... I seem to be having a problem. When I open the installer (latest version - 4.0.38), I do not see what the manual says I should. After accepting the copyright, I should see a screen with the two install options, like this:


    Instead, right when I open the installer, I am getting this:


    followed by this:


    Now I'm confused. :huh:

  2. Hi guys,

    I've just got a quick question here. I decided to take a look at the NL2000 scenery, but I'm a little confused with the installation procedure. I know some of you on the forum might have it, so I hope someone can help me.

    I downloaded the packages from the http links on their download page, so now I have a mix of .nl2 (airports) and .zip (regions) files. As I understand it, I am supposed to unzip the region files and then put everything (including the airports, libraries, etc.) in a single folder (i.e. C:\NL2000). After that, I run the installer, and install the scenery. Is that the correct method?

    The manual doesn't really mention anything about this part of the process, and I did not find anything on their forums either.

    Thanks in advance!


  3. I probably should provide an update...

    I've now been running with a new Corsair HX850 (RMA'd the old one) for a few months, and everything seems to be fine. Sorry for digging up an old topic, but I realized I didn't even provide a conclusion on the problem.

    But thanks to everyone who helped! Hopefully the machine will run properly now! :D

  4. Thank you! I actually found it after looking up the Lockheed Jetstar that Kieran had mentioned. Right at the bottom of the Wikipedia page for the Jetstar was a list of related aircraft - one of them was the McDonnell 119. Quite an odd-looking plane!

    Anyway, here is the next one. I hope I didn't make it too easy...


  5. Another thing to mention is that Orbx uses different tree objects for the different regions, and this affects all the trees within FSX. For example, I will see different trees around the world when I select North America as opposed to Australia/Oceania (I personally prefer the North American trees ^_^).

  6. Yep, I'm still waiting.

    The new Aerosoft offering (mentioned in my previous post) is just a "lite" version of MyTraffic X 5.4, so that can easily be crossed out.

    Just Flight now has Traffic 360, which looks good, but I'm waiting for reviews.

    Meanwhile, I'm quietly hoping Flight 1 will update Ultimate Traffic to include more airlines and military traffic, and do something about those AFCAD's (if I'm seeing the parking problem the right way, that is).

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