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About kingair

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 03/05/1958

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  1. And My First, Shot Up.Beaten Up. But coming home for Breakfast Ian.
  2. Nice pics Joe... the A380 looks so different. I'll show my friend and neighbour, he flies the real deal for Emirates Ian.
  3. Thats what a late night and two many beers do...lol... Easy Fix Thanks... Ian
  4. For Free, 1. hardly used Bae146-100. Very limited hours on airframe or engines, but comes with a dog. Thats the draw back... Check out the pics. Looks ok Taxied OK Fly's OK Ian.
  5. Great Picturs Dai... Makes me homesick. Hopefully next year time will allow me to return to my birthplace Wales. Dai if you kmow Caerdydd "Cardiff" at all? Then you know all about Brains Beer and Clarks pies... Sitting here in Toronto I honestly believe that I could eat a bakers dozen in one sitting. followed by a 24 of Brains Dark. Ian.
  6. Amazing Pictures...Please get us more. Ian.
  7. Whilst posting a little while ago, I believe the servers went down. So if this post appears twice please forgive me... Anyway Just for Graham... A little light on top?...Well TORONTO syle, lght up the whole thing...lolol. Just like the Real thing on Canada Day she shows Red and White, and a Rainbow for the Pride Parades. Ian.
  8. kingair


    Hi, Great videos of the prettiest airliner ever to grace the skies. As a child and son of a serviceman I got to fly on VC10's a number of times out of Brize. My first trip was to Hong Kong in 1969 aboard XR810 "David Lord V.C." we refueled at Bahrain, Gan, and Singapore. The return 18 months later was aboard XV102 "Guy Gibson V.C.". Stopping off in Singapore, and Cypress. I confess that the registrations I had to research, but the names I remembered and made the task easy. Many more flights were made over the years but these two standout. The 10's of Number 10 SQDN R.A.F. were unique. THey h
  9. Hi, It wasn't Mr Ford that I was planning on Buzzing at City Hall...lol... It was you As to the Scenery... Your spot on. http://www.simaddons.com/ Amazing scenery by a Swiss Gentleman who obviously likes Canada. I just wish that his site showed the features that ony a member can see... At CYTZ there is a Water Lift... This takes the Acft from the water on to the Airport. Very Clever. Ian.
  10. Hi Joe, I figured out what needed changing, but will download anyway... Thanks Ian.
  11. Hi, Decided to take G-SAMM "here after known as Mike Mike", out of Billy Bishop Airport "CYTZ". And take a look at the Big T.O. Only to find everything so so quiet... A Beatiful Sunday Afternoon in Toronto. Not a Porter or Air Canada Express Q400 to be seen. No Baseball game on, the Air Canada Centre is still 71 days away from Hockey, the Gardiner Expressway is really quiet... I guess everyones at home watching Coranation Street. :icon_yikes: Maybe I should go and Buzz the City hall and North York just South of Finch and West of Yonge...Wake up a couple on the members Map...lol
  12. WATCHING ME-WATCHING YOU. dodgy-alan whilst you were filming me and Virtual Buffalo Joe. We were watching you and your British babe in Canadian "Buffalo" Colours watching us? Here's what we seen. Ian.
  13. kingair

    Just got REX

    I just got it to... Amazing Ian
  14. Anything here that would help? http://freechecklists.net/Resources/Cessna/208+Caravan+_+Grand+Caravan/ Ian.
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