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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. All my shots are now uploaded and ready for posting. I have emailed Joe, but does anybody here know the conditions the posting? Do I just post them inbatween a flight or do I get assigned a new slot or something? Best Regards, George : Tap
  2. Beautiful shots there, phil. I loved the edits and the commentary was fantastic. Love the letter at the start too; you clearly made a big effort with this post, well done! :star :star :star :star :star Kind Regards, George : Tap
  3. What can I say? :clap: I'm sure many flight-sim enthusiasts would be willing to pay to see such fantastic shots! You have such a talent there. Also some great commentary too. The whole post was also very well presented! Well done, Steve. Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Kind Regards, George : Tap
  4. Fantastic post there, Dave. Some great commentary which compliments the shots perfectly, well done! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  5. Beautiful post there, simi. Looks like you put a lot of effort in there! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Thank you for continueing on, my post will be up ASAP! Best Regards, George : Tap
  6. Superb post, John. It's little subtle funny details, such as the queue of traffic on the approach that really make looking at the posts on this forum really worthwhile. Well done. Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  7. A fabulous post there, phil. Possibly your best ATWC post yet, well done! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  8. Joe, A truly magnificent 5-star post. What a rare post! It had me in absolute hysterics! :rofl Not only did this post carry great humour, but also a superb quality of shots, a variety of vehicles and a certain Mutley's Hangar effect, that only we flight-simmers can describe! A classic ATWC post, well done indeed! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  9. Some lovely shots in that post, nicholas. I particularly liked the sea on the approach shot. Well done, looking forward to seeing more from you! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  10. Fantastic shots, Martyn. I really enjoyed this post. Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Kind Regards, George : Tap
  11. Absolutely fabulous, Panos! I can see you made a real effort with your edits there; I have no criticism whatsoever! Watch your takeoffs at Gibralatar in future, however, it's a very short runway! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  12. Super shots! It's nice to see FSX used once in a while, we don't see too much of it! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  13. Lovely post, John. All the shots were up to scratch and the commentary (especially at the start and end) was perfectly handled. Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! :blush Best Regards, George : Tap
  14. :good Superb post, Dai. I loved all of them, especially the first few with that fantastic scenery. Great commentary too, well done! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  15. Beautiful post, Airbus. I remember that steep climb out of Innsbruck when I went there last year, looks like you imitated it very well! Well done! :mrhappy: Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  16. Fantastic Post, simi! The sky really gives a great effect to the first few shots! Sorry this reply is late. I am replying to all the fantastic legs completed while I have been absent! Best Regards, George : Tap
  17. Evenin' All! I am sorry to keep you all waiting with Leg 93, but January isn't really my time of year, and there's been a lot going on what with revising for exams and all the rest of it. Anyway, I found some spare time, and with the baton tucked nicely in my jacket pocket, I set off in search of Vienna. The flight was on the whole very successful, plenty of snow the whole way there :sleep: On with the flight... The time is 14:23, we're cleared for our taxi to the active. Plenty of runway for a nice easy rotate. What a beautiful afternoon for flying! 3000ft, flaps to 10. Looks li
  18. I agree too that ATWC posts do not get enough replies, I am just appreciative of the replies I get. It is always I nice and encouraging feeling when you get a dozen positive replies, and so I mostly reply to all other posts because I know that it will satisfy the person when they get the reply, and it also makes me feel like I have made someone else happy. I think that it's not the posters that should be appreciative for the replies, but the repliers should be appreciative of the post. Kind Regards, George : Tap Ps. Joe, my leg 93 should be up tonight, but It will most definately be up tom
  19. Stunning, Joe. The angle on the gear up shot has such an effect on the rest of the shot. I am glad to see you touched down safely and have the baton ready for me there. I am afraid I'm not in budapest yet, my flight got held up from Heathrow...somebody had inconveniently parked a BA 777 on the south runway I'll see you later, I am up for a nice bit of sight-seeing before setting off! Best Regards, George
  20. A treat for all, practically every shot had my jaw to the table, I love the sky in particular on some of the wing-view shots. I'm glad to see this flight has gotten off to a good start! Time to go and have a peep at part deux! :good George
  21. Some fantastic shots there, simi. A nice little storyline to go with them too :good
  22. Stunning leg, panos. The shots were fantastic and the video was spot on! I am in a hurry with the commenting at the moment, but I will have a good read through when I get the time!
  23. Just utterly butterly gobsmacking, steve! I loved them all. The amount of effort put into those is immense! Well done :mrhappy:
  24. Nice shot! Are you referring to the approach into Hong Kong, or have I got the wrong idea?
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