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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. How Strange... I restarted FS and everything was back to normal, no bright lights! It seems everything is running smoothly. As soon as I have more traffic installed I might aswell have a quick wizz around and take a few screenies! Thanks for all the help guys... :wink: Regards, Tap
  2. Mutley, I am only using Ground Environment, I am quite sure that wouldn't have any effect on the lights, so it must be something else, I shall check the website's forum. Thanks for the reply :wink: Best Regards, Tap
  3. Thanks for all your replies. I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that I have fixed this fault, having followed some of the "OptimizedFS" on their webpage. I now only have one more problem with the product...and that is the bright lights that appear by the terminal. I am not sure if this is normal but this screenshot will explain the symptoms... ...Portland KPDX (Bright terminal lights) Are these lights normally this bright? Please post your views! Thank you for your help! Wishing you a Happy New Year, Tap
  4. The difference is the fact that my shot blurs from a very short distance, whereas the other shot blurs from a much further distance and keeps its realistic outline for a much further distance, mine blurs it into harsh zig zagged edges very close to where I am flying and doesn't give much a realistic boost.
  5. Having seen this addon from many screenshots and advertisments, I decided I had to have it. When I first flew with it installed, I was very unimpressed... Perhaps these screenshots will show what I mean... My Pearson Field (With maximum display settings) Pearson field screenshot (simmarket) There is a huge difference in these shots. Here ar my settings... ...Perhaps some of you could help with some solutions Help appreciated! Best Regards, Tap
  6. Beautiful shot, I love the shadows on the clouds.
  7. TapA321

    Portland KPDX

    I apologise reef, I have flicked through these a couple of times now and forgot to comment (perhaps I was just gobsmacked by the immense reality and creativity in these shots. I think some of your best yet and also some of the best this forum and JF's forum has ever seen, well done indeed! :eyebrow: I also just have a quick question about the forum post you did a while ago - viewtopic.php?t=694. You were flying to juneau, right? So I assume you used the amazing Freeware alaska scenery off avsim, but what other add-ons did you use to get such a sharp and clear mountainside on the approach sh
  8. Thank you for all your very kind comments and welcomes :-) And a Very Merry Christmas to all of you! :eyebrow:
  9. TapA321

    Xmas Greetings

    Merry Xmas! It was over a week ago for me! :mrhappy:
  10. Hi everyone, I have been looking forward to this post for a long time now, as it is my first leg for the Mutley's ATWC :-). After Panos's great leg 85, it's now my turn! Leg 86 is from the beautiful mediterranean island of Malta all the way across Algerian Desert to Tamamrasset. The flight was on the whole very successful, apart from one hazard that occured; the baton was left on the seat of the cockpit while I went to the toilet and it must have rolled off the seat and under the controls, I was looking for a good 5 - 10minutes before I found it, we must keep that baton safe! Anyway, on wit
  11. Hi guys, For the first time I have finally seen a double go around! Here's the video for anyone else who is interested... http://www.flightlevel350.com/Aircraft_ ... -9175.html
  12. An excellent leg there panos, a great choice of Aircraft, are Olympic Airlines still operating the ol' 727? Lovely shots too, especially the grass edits, and also the graffiti on the buildings on the last shot, it really made a difference to the shot! Great work :yes: Just a quick note on the edits: From advice from reef, in some cases using 'diffuse glow' can create an untidy shadow around the aircraft and take some of the realism of the shot away (you can see this in shot 21 of your post). After using diffuse glow you might want to fiddle with the contrast and brightness slightly to make
  13. I agree with panos. This is possibly the best ATWC leg so far. The effort put into the post is astonishing and the amount of info is like a university essay Amazing work there, John, I really enjoyed reading that post - Thanks! :yes:
  14. I loved every single one. I think the PIC 737 is awesome and it punctuated your shots perfectly, well done! The wing view shot climbing out is my favourite, the water in FSX is great. A truly great post all together :mrhappy:
  15. What an edit reef, it's been transformed! Excellent work :mrhappy: I couldn't resist having a go at this either, so I thought I'd take you back to the birth of the 767... Theres a few obvious mistakes, but I didn't have the time to correct them! :!:
  16. Thanks, guys. I agree reef, taking a seperate shot is a smart idea - I didn't think of that! :poster_oops: Regards, Tap
  17. Excellent shots, Simi. I'd give that approach into madeira about 79.43% (to be precise). It's a very hard approach, and for your first time (if it is) it was a spectacular performace :wink: It took me ages to master it, it looks like you've taken to it like a duck to water! :mrhappy:
  18. Hi all, I hope you are all having a good week, looking forward to Christmas :-) Just a quick batch from me of a US Airways ERJ-145 flight to Buffalo. The weather was on the whole quite good, apart from a downpour a couple of hours before departure. The flight left at 9:40am. Here are the shots, please enjoy them! You can thank reef for providing me with the grass on shot 2! (I hope you don't mind reef :mrhappy:) Parked up at Terminal B with our fellow US Airways. Taxiing to 33L, passing a Saab 340B Colgan Air. Holding short, an A319 US Airways gets on its way to Miami. Going up..
  19. Awesome shots! You have a great eye for angles, I see :good That's some sky you have there :mrhappy: Best Regards, Tap
  20. :???: Hmmmm.....Yes but we only get end of year exams, and it's not the end of the year! (well it is, but not the end of a school year! :yes:) :mrhappy: Great shot again, Simi! :yes:
  21. TapA321

    Level-D 767

    They're unbelievable reef, just unbelievable. How do you get such a realistic tint on the runway in shot 3, as I imagine it was grey in the unedited?
  22. I have to agree with mulletman on this one. The edit is fantastic, but I think that if you just motion blurred and cropped, as you did in the edit, that would be the most realistic option. Anyway, thats just my opinion, but I'm sure you had lots of fun with the editing program and that shot, so feel free to ignore me with the boring part! :mrhappy: Oh yeah, I almost forgot to say, Im only in year 9 Dave, so no exams for me WHATSOEVER! :yes: Even more jealous? :yes: Kind Regards, Tap
  23. It's quite a skill to get a fast moving object zoomed far in exactly centre, such as that shot. Thanks for sharing!
  24. A first class post there, Joe. Excellent scenery too. Really enjoyed the last 5 - 10minutes of viewing leg 80 + 81 :mrhappy: Kind Regards, Tap
  25. Excellent shots and super commentry! Well done, indeed! :mrhappy:
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