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Everything posted by TapA321

  1. Nice shot, Rob. Some snow here too, Mut. Especially yesterday evening. Cheers, George
  2. Hey needles, Thanks for the kind comment! The scenery package is the recently released "Ibiza X" by simwings (and aerosoft). It includes the whole island and airport in detal. More info here:
  3. Hi guys, Well here we are in the middle of winter, so I thought that these screenshots were rather appropriate! Just some quick snaps while relaxing at Ibiza X. Cheers, George
  4. I found the PDF useful and I really like the way it's written in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly way. Thanks both to the author and to Rob for posting it. While we're on the subject of AA/AF, I was wondering if somebody could aid me a little with this. I have my filtering set to anistrophic and AA set to on in the ingame FSX settings. I have then gone to my Nvidia control panel and set AA/AF to 16x, however, I'm not sure whether FSX has actually taken these Nvidia control panel changes to mind, because I see no change in performance and I don't notice any graphical difference either.
  5. Hey, Rob. Thanks for the reply. With a little tweaking, I think I've found the culprit. I had water set to "maximum 2x". Put that down to "low 2x" and now I get a good 30fps on average on the ground at Ibiza and Dortmund. Cheers, George
  6. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on maximising frames in FSX. If there's any vital fsx.cfg changes/settings changes/programs etc. that really help to boost frames, I would be glad to know! At the moment, I am getting really good frames pretty much everywhere in FSX, but when it comes to airport/scenery addons, frames seem to drop ... a lot. My most recent purchase was Ibiza X from aerosoft. While I get the normal 50+ frames flying around the island, as soon as I get to the airport (mainly on the ground at the airport) the frames immediately drop, and I struggle
  7. Hey Joe, I'm looking for a new supplier at the moment and I have just had a quick look through that site that you have linked - thanks for that! That connection speed looks very good and perhaps a little optimistic?? I take it the download speed means that a file should download at 13.68mb/s? When I did a test like this on my connection a few weeks ago .. it came out as 6 or 7 mb/s and it said that a film of 800mb should have completely downloaded in about 15 minutes. Well, as it happened, within the next half hour, I downloaded a rather large file of 200mb or so and it took at least an hour
  8. Hi Joe, The screens should be fixed now and I have added a video too! Neither the video, nor the screens are my work. And thanks Dai for the reply and birthday wishes! Cheers, George
  9. Hey everyone, I haven't been active too much recently on the Mutley's Hangar forums so a big hello to everyone again! Over the past couple of weeks, I've been playing a game called 'Il-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey' which is a military flight simulator game based on WW2 in Europe. "Take to the skies to turn the tide of the Second World War, engaging in history's most iconic airborne missions. Battle for supremacy over stunning landscapes, from the patchwork fields of Southern England to the smoking ruins of Stalingrad." The main campaign for the game covers... - The Battle of Britain - Th
  10. Thanks Chaps! I know I haven't really been active very much in the last couple of months on the forum, but I do browse every now and then and maybe the odd post here and there. I was really pleased to see this post, so thanks again! Nice to see a couple of changes to the website and also a few new members too! Cheers, George
  11. I love Aleutian Cargo Run - bad weather sea landing and a lovely bad weather nightime approach into Dutch harbour! Cheers, George
  12. Hi John, I often visit Portland KPDX, so that would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, George
  13. Happy Birthday, Dave! Kind Regards, George
  14. Thanks for those links! I shall look into it. Cheers, George
  15. Great selection there, Steve. Love the first shot - something about the angle that I have a soft spot for! :biggrin: Thanks for sharing them, George
  16. Excellent shots, Soya. Especially the fourth .. the combination of scenery and aircraft is great. Well done! :biggrin: Just a quick question .. your alderney seems to have a lot more autogen than mine - particularly trees. How'd you get them? Cheers, George
  17. Quite strange. I had a sort of similar problem with my laptop a while ago. It had certain DVDs that it "liked" and some that it didn't. With the ones that it didn't like, it just completely jammed the drive, I couldn't remove and it would lead to the software running the DVD to not respond and then I had to restart the system to get the disc out. The thing thats different with yours though is that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. My problem was slightly different in the way that it always worked on some and never worked on others. The laptop was still in warranty so I just got the dri
  18. Thanks Phil and Joe for the comments. Glad you like it! :biggrin: George
  19. Thank you both for your replies. That is exactly what I need - thanks very much, Joe. :biggrin: Cheers, George
  20. Wow, these diagrams have come in really handy to me ... thanks John! :gtfl: Cheers, George
  21. Thank you for your kind comments, guys! :gtfl: Cheers George
  22. Hey :gtfl: I was wondering if it was possible to 'lock' frame rates in FSX. I have seen in the Display/Grahpics tab on settings a "Target Frame rate" slider. It seems to me to make most sense for the target for frame rates to be at unlimited. However, with the target set to unlimited, I sometimes have a stuttering problem which is caused (I think) by the rapid changing in fps. At one point, it may be at 30, then the next it's at 60, then 15 etc. To avoid this stuttering, I'd like my frames to stay at a constant speed (30, for example). This can be done by setting the target frame rate to 30.
  23. How about Airport Overviews? Cheers, George
  24. Another beautiful selection, Steve. :gtfl: I think that every single one could easily be mistaken for real shots - particularly the first and the last. I love the way you brought out the detail on the American airline shot - all the little dirt marks and cracks... Are you by any chance an artist (painter) as well as a computer artist? Cheers, George
  25. Hi chaps, Just bought the famous "Alderney" by Earth Simulations! Looks absolutely fantastic, so I thought I'd share a screen while I was testing it out... Thanks for looking, George
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