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About papeg

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    Ground Staff

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  1. Way ahead of you John, I've had the Pedals and yoke for a while now but I am eyeing the Saitek Cessna throttle and trim wheel. I also already have the TrackIR 5.
  2. Great inputs, thanks. I think I will give the 172 a try but I'm going to give that SAAB Safir a good look. Greg
  3. Thanks for the inputs. How is the flight dynamics of the Carenado 172?
  4. What about a little trainer like C172 or C152 or even a C182, a single piston engine? The only reason I ask is that I will be starting classes for my PPL this weekend in either a 172 or 152 (not sure which yet) and was looking for something about that big with very realistic flight characteristics so that I might get some extra practice in FSX. Greg
  5. This question is for all of you real world pilots out there. Which add-on GA aircraft for FSX has the most realistic flight characteristics? Greg
  6. Garfield County, Rifle Colorado?
  7. Sound is spot on. I've worked in US Air Bases for most of my adult life and the sound in this package sound very real. The flight dynamics are really good but I don't know if they compare to the real C-17, I think it flys very well.
  8. Correct, I think it was too easy but good job.
  9. Stunning screen shots, well done.
  10. OK, here are some pictures. The Cockpit isn't as complicated as a PMDG or some of those others but it does look nice and has a nice HUD. All I added to it was a FMC from ISG. My Air Hauler company has a contract with FEDEX so here is my C-17 in FEDEX paint.
  11. OK, This International airport sits in a desert valley. It has 3 runways and is at an elevation of 2643 feet. It's co-located with a US Air National Guard unit and is only 3.5 NM from a major US Air Force base. Greg
  12. I've been flying Virtavia's C-17 in Air Hauler for the last few weeks. I must say, I like it. The VC is quite nice and the exterior is great. She even comes with the 2D cockpit if thats what you prefer. Have any of you flown it? Greg
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