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Everything posted by Gera

  1. Thanks everyone. It's been a week now and haven't stopped!!!!....this is a lot of work!!!!! Finished two projects "Central America unknown airfields (8) and Unknown airfields of Peru (8)". Today I will make some Papua homes and people for the next project......Max Rex is figuring out how to mess up the evil plans of some Nazis out in the Caribbean, they have set up an assembly plant for six bombers that will be bombing the Panama Canal on Dec 8, 1941!!!!!.....humm, with Max around they are in trouble...so on and so forth... Will be leaving for Italy at the end of the month so I have to hu
  2. Thank you Dai, Max Rex will again be in the South American jungles with lots of adventures.... and happy to be able to come here more often.....
  3. Hi Guys.... Well step 3 has arrived.....after 42 years of pulling the cart I was unchained from it last friday. Now I have quite a bit of time on my hands and here is some of the activities I will be doing, at least that's what I think: First am off to my second country...Italy for a vacation. 2) The Max Rex E-Pulp Flight Adventures will come out more often with new episodes for those pilots that like to get involved with Max in one of the expeditions into unknown skies. 3) A series of --Not well known--airfield scenery will be popping out for all to enjoy. You will fly to small airfields all
  4. Thanks John, I'll be more careful next time. I am now looking at some Mongolian cattle and a peasant has informed me that there is a "lost City" somewhere up in the mountains...I'll take a look and let you guys know.
  5. Gera

    Hi Everyone

    Thanks John, I just uploaded my latest flight adventure but I think I notified it in the wrong place. Gera
  6. Hi Guys... Just uploaded one of my crazy adventure Flights ( Its in Simviation too) ... what is it all about? Well Joe Moolesley likes to fish, he has fished all kinds of fish and other creatures for many years. But now he has been away for three months and Miriam his wife suspects foul play. She packs her two shotguns and starts her search for her man in New Orleans, Panama, and finally gets a tip where he might be in Colombia's northern swamps. .....you get the whole kit in the zip and maybe an hour or two of good flying fun with a surprise ending for the pilot but not for Miriam.... Ho
  7. Gera

    Hi Everyone

    Hi everyone.....Thanks for the nice welcome you have given me, I really appreciate it. Andrew nice to know you have flown some of my Flight Adventures and Missions---I will be posting a special link for the members of this group only of a nice Adventure with some spicy characters which I hope you will enjoy......Rabbitc, the Twin Otter has been a common sight here for over 20 years when Perlas Airlines started flying to the islands and many other small airports. I have flown in it many times as a passenger and have sat in the co-pilot's seat many times. It is a wonderful aircraft, easy to fly
  8. Gera

    Hi Everyone

    Hi All..... This is my first time here. I am in Panama City, Panama and like to make "Adventure Flights and Missions" with scenery and a touch of fun...Have been siming since 1998 and presently FSX and some X-Plane. I flew for 16 years my own Piper Cherokee all over C.A. and when gas started to go up I sold the little lady. Now I like to travel to Europe, if I can once a year, and do bush flying all over the globe in the sim...am sure I´ll enjoy my stay here and maybe we can make some Adventure Flights for the members of this fine group.....How about exploring Sumatra´s Lost City of the Bu
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