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About Dan.fAf

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    Ground Staff
  1. Here I am, just for fun This 1st one could only have been done in FS9. HS.748 (my all-time fav FS A/C) landing at LGAV. Looks like "Shockwave 3D lights" but I don't remember ever installing them. :atwc: Anyway its my fav night shot. 2nd one is D18S Amph. short final at KBLI. Best amphib in FS and rain-effects on glass in FSX 3rd is freeware for FSX: Kruse-Curtiss model 1911 taking off from a field next to 'downtown' Heimbach, Germany. Thanks for tuning in -- this is fr1kken_Awesome signing off!
  2. Well deserved! Wear the shirt proudly!! :mrhappy:
  3. I copied this from here: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6748 I've had to fix about 12 AC with opaque or too dark glass in FSX
  4. You know your IL2. merged IL2+Forgotten Battles+Aces Expansion+Pacific Fighters is the sim. Those were from before IL2:1946. most certainly looks like it, id guess at a merged IL2+Forgotten Battles+Aces Expansion, not sure about Pacific Fighters or the new 1946, the terrain looks a bit odd for the later releases.
  5. Thanks Mutley! I caused the confusion myself by quoting OM in my sig (at that time). I'm honored to be a part of these festivities!! Here are 2 action snaps just for fun (unfortunately it wasn't me in the Spitfire, I was in the FW190 being chased by it):
  6. Greeting! I'm from the 'old' JustFlight forum and would like to post some RAF screenshots. Here's 1 for now. Hope you like it! P.S. I'm not Oleg Maddox as someone referred to me when posting my shot of the Gloster Gladiator in the last contest thread. :idea:
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