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What's the best 'walkabout' camera.....

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.....If indeed there is one at all?


What I mean is a cam or addon that allows us to walk around an airfield / airport. Before my enforced absence from FSX a year ago, I used a free camera add on that was supposed to be for just this purpose. I forgot what it was called or where I got it from but I didn't find it very useful anyway. It was worked basically as an invisible aircraft so you weren't really walking but taxiing around, which resulted in some quite frustrating 'walking' ordeals. It seems such a shame that some of the highly detailed airfields and airports can't be truly explored because of the lack of a way to simply walk around.

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I payware is an option there's always the EzDok camera addon available from Flight 1


In addition to letting you set up your own internal and external cameras on every aircraft in your hangar you can also define "World" Cameras that you can move around...


I use it exclusivly with FSX instead of the default views... Take a look at the video in this topic to get a feel for what you can do with it....


I also think that the Opus weather engine includes an addon camera module, but I don't know if it includes a "Walkabout" function since I don't use it myself...

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Indeed it does...


It's a bit of a chore to set up cameras for new planes thought.. just so you know...


The installer comes with profiles for all the default planes, but any add-ons you will need to configure on your own (or search the internet for profiles shared by others to import).

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