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I have been thinking of getting a texture add-on for fsx. I already have rex essentials+od, and enb series installed but I wanted something to improve the look of the dull scenery in fsx. Some people say GEX is better and others say ORBX is. More opinions would be much appreciated. Which is better for the money? Which one looks better? Which is more realistic? Also, I don't really want to buy both because I am not ready to spend that much.


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Hi Pace,


The accuracy of GEX and FTX is about the same. However, if the scenery is close to where you live then you would say it is not accurate at all. If it is a place you have never been to then you would be happy with it.


FTX gives you replacement autogen and adds extra details to default airports so is really a whole lot better than GEX in my opinion.  Orbx will soon be releasing the Global version so it may be worth hanging on and see what the pricing is like.




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I like the added scenery at the airports, especially the smaller boring default ones, with ORBX scenery. I would say that they fix up a large percentage of the airports and it is a pleasure to now fly into them. The mountains look nicer and the cites are not bad looking and it has been a definite improvement from the default look.   


They are all a bit expensive because they sell areas in sections, so think long and hard about where you like to fly before purchases. The older scenery's are now showing up at lower prices so it's a good time to try one out. I highly recommend the Pacific North West one.


I have not used the GTX stuff so this is a one sided recommendation. :)

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i am going to be outspoken here, that makes a change then doesn't it Joe?

I have GEX and a load of orbyx and i dont think you can compare the two as they are built to do diofferent jobs.

GEX is just a general autogen and field arrangements which are fine if you are flying over it to get to an airport  but it bears no relationship to reality.

Orbyx on the other hand in most cases portrays  smaller regions with more accuracy and even if it isnt accurate it still looks good.

I think it would be better to compare GEX with the upcoming orbyx world domination product or whatever they call it that is due out later this year and although it wont be cheap i think it will knock spots off GEX which isnt hard really. If i was you I would save my money and wait for the new orbyx stuff.

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