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I have, for a long time, been frustrated in my on-line flying.


I have been a member of several VAs in  my time and have always found them to be too restricting in the flying that I have been able to do with them. Either they are too restrictive in their routes, or their aircraft, or their location (most members are in a different time zone) or there has been some restriction on the activity than can be logged with the organisation.


What I am looking for is a british based virtual organisation that allows you to fly connected to a server to log your hours, but has no other restrictions on it. So you can fly GA, civil airlines or military flights, or whatever and on routes that you choose.  .... But I don't think such a club or organisation exists.


Has anyone out there any knowledge of such an organisation in the UK?


Or.....  has anyone any pointers to or knowledge of the type of software that can be used to set such a system up?  I should point out here that I am a software engineer by trade and have experience in designing and building both commercial and personal websites that stretches back over twenty years or so, and that the task of setting up such a web tool wont phase me.  I just would prefer to use available software rather than design from the ground up.  I am not wanting to compete with MH here as I think this site is the dogs doo-dahs, it is merely the software to set up a server and client(s) for logging the FSX flights that I may want to find if such a club is not out there already. I guess this would complement MH as this service is not offered here.






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Online flying had never worked out for me either - it was either too laggy or as you say groups that are too restricted. So I gave up and bought Air Hauler - this gave purpose to my flying and 'running' the business. 


I believe there is some software out there that records flights, times etc but this would be for single player and not online. If it is purely multiplayer/online flying you want then I cannot help unfortunately.


If you are looking for a VA to fly for - stupid question but have you googled virtual airlines UK? This one I was thinking of joining but don't have enough time...




Take a looksy



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Thanks for the comments Jim.


Unfortunately Air hauler (which I have) and a VA doesn't do it for me. I mostly like to fly peaceful military flights. I have a selection of aircraft installed dating from 1916 to the present day and operating from Farnborough, Duxford and RAF Valley depending on the aircraft.  For example, my ATWC flight leg was flown by my Tiger moth, repainted for the occasion which I base at Duxford.


So you see a VA cant get many passengers in, say an EE lightning, and Air Hauler cant get much of a payload in the same aircraft!


I feel sure there must be others out there that like to fly whatever they want and whenever they like and still have the ability to do so, perhaps in formation with others and certainly to record their hours on an online site. 


Edit:  I do have a selection of civil aircraft as well, and could fly these with a VA, but I guess I want all of my eggs in one basket!



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Thanks Jim for pointing out the GA side of things.  There seems to be a weight limit on the GA club side of 3,000 lbs which is only 10% of my lightning  :( . However I have sent them the following message:


"Hi, I am looking for a UK based site that will allow me to do the following:
Fly and log hours as a military preservation enthusiast using current and historic RAF aircraft.
Fly and log hours as a GA pilot.
Fly and log hours as a Civil Airliner pilot.
Not be restricted on routing, and lastly, have any or all the above flight types count toward my monthly hours.

Can you accommodate me?"


Lets see what they say!



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Yeah that's a shame because it looks like what you are looking for - they have online meetings/events that seem interesting too. I was tempted to join a while back but did not have the time - looking at it again I am tempted again but once again it's a time thing. These days with my 2yr old I am always occupied with other activities and only have short spats of flying. 


Keep us filled in on the military side of things - it would be good if they start a new sector for military AC any weight - all the C-130's flying around the globe :)


Good stuff



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Will do Jim.


If it is no good I still might set up my own. To be honest I don't think I would put an hours requirement on if I did. I can dimly remember what it was like having 2 year olds, but now the youngest is almost 22 I have more time!


I think what would be really good is to be able to set up formation flights, not even for aerobatics, just to fly from A to B in company.

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Hi John


First of all I have to ask the question?  =  Why do you need a online VA.


Would it not be possible for you to set up a computer generated Log-Book for you to log flight times and aircraft flown.


I think Brian747/777/Bruce/AKA does this type of logging so it may be a good idea to respectfully approach him.


Or if you think you have a good enough idea, to approach Joe and maybe set up a kind of section in the Hangar?


As long as it is not to regimented or restricted, maybe more would join in with the section.


I have in the past uploaded repaints to the File Library in fictional airline colours for use in flying anywhere you want too


and they carry besides their fictional livery a Mutley's Hangar Group of Companies logo, which when I do them keeps the enthusiasm


for a Hangar loosely link VA.  If you have been following my screenshots you will see that I have my own sort of VA with a company of many names


Called Global, Link, Cargolinx. You are welcome to use these company colours free and gratis for your own use if you wish, but let me know so that I can upload the lot  


into the file library.  Some are already there. I too have been dismayed by the restrictive real world rules of VA's in the community so that is why I fly my own company.


I have only one rule: Anything goes.  Flight simming is for my enjoyment as I had to follow others rules before I retired.  Now I have no rules.


As the old saying goes "Rules are for fools, that wise men should follow" but as a senior teenager my anything goes rule seems really good for me..


If you do come up with something and Joe approves, then I am sure I would join in..  Best of luck..

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James, thanks for your post.


You sound like my kind of simmer!  I guess that is what is so frustrating, it is virtually (groan) impossible to find an online organisation where you can fly with others where anything goes! - And that includes nothing if you are going through a busy time!  


That is just what I want! 

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Then come up with a good plan and submit it to Joe.. :thum:



Hmmmmm  A sort of MH server for free flight logging....


I will think of a business case.... I have a server that would do the job... and already have an IP redirect service....  You have me thinking, but I would still have to find the software to do it with.



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the database you are thinking of is MS Access.  I wouldn't use this, I would go for MySQL probably, it works well with PHP and therefore is great to use on small and medium websites, and most importantly it is free.


I have found some information on FSD for windows which links to FSCopilot and this looks promising if i can figure out how it works.....



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I've been looking (rather fruitlessly I might add) for a similar VA type experience as I do fly more than Air Hauler when I have spare time.  I will add that I no longer enjoy much online flying (Rise of Flight/IL2/CLoD/FC2) due to a sadly large population of numpties (griefers) and took to Air Hauler as my focus fix.  I'd certainly be interested in participating here.



Kind regards,


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Thanks, Dave, for your support, (I must go out and buy my own).

It seems that I may have found a gap in the market here.

I will have to set up the spare pc I have and see what I can make!

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I spent the weekend looking at read rub VA software.


There seems to be two that is could see that are available:


phpVMS (Freeware)

vaBase (payware but cheap)


First I read the reviews.  


vaBase was slated and I get the impression that it is dead in the water anyway.  I sent their sales email address an email with a few questions but I am not hopeful of a reply, especially as the Paypal account associated with purchase is now no longer in existence.  Weirdly the person who once owned the account seems to have the same surname as me!  Not all that common.


phpVMS is very much alive and as it was free, I did a trail build.  It was easy enough to get working but I quickly realized that it was not suited to what I have in mind as it is strictly limited to flying to and from pre-specified airports and with specified aircraft. Short of entering every airport and aircraft available to FSX, it was therefore a non-starter without major modification and would always carry a shed load of functionality that I would never use.


pphpVMS did lead me to some interesting ACARs software.  This the the client-server software that you use to record your flights. So my next task will be to install this software and create the server database to see if I can log some flights with it to my server. If this is successful then it is just a matter of hand crafting a few web pages to access that stored data and some blurb around it. Something I have done many time before.



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Server and database created along with a website, next thing is to install the acars client and see if it works....


The website is a work in progress at the moment so the URL is a secret!!!  If it works I will publicize it.

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> I have only one rule: Anything goes.  Flight simming is for my enjoyment as I had to follow others rules before I retired.  Now I have no rules.


Amen to that, Monsignor!   :thum:   I detest any sort of regulation on where I fly / when I fly / what I fly. For me, the pleasure is in having a last-minute whim for a flight, planning it, and then flying it. That's satisfying. I was lucky enough to find a VA that accommodates my whims, but TBH I don't even always register my flight with them.   :th_blush:


That's really living vlying!   :cool:




Brrrrrr...... (what was it, again?)


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Thanks Kasper, it is the sort of thing I am looking for. 


I have applied to join, passed the exam, and then been told that they are full and that I am No.31 on the waiting list  :fool: 


​I think I will continue with my experiments on building my own as it would seem that I am not going to get in any time soon! 


There is also the fact that this is a multinational organisation, which is fine, but I would prefer a European bias as I would like to do my flying when other members are awake!



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Thanks James I didn't notice that. 


So far I have a website (working name http://www.lambs-virtual-flying-club.co.uk  - Registration suspended for now :) )


A working Server (FSD with FSInn connecting to it from my fsx install.) I just cant see how to feed data from FSD into my DB.... there must be a way but I cant see any instruction on how it fits together!!!  :unsure: 

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