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FS2013 Cosford Show - Stand ready to receive visitors!

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Good news, we are ready for visitors, show opens at 10:00 tomorrow, I will endeavour to post live updates throughout the day!


See you there! Or see you here!




Mutley Crew (Joe & Tim)


Now where's the bar in this hotel?  :D


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A big shout-out to our UK crew and staff reviewers who attended the show - Tim, Bruce, Kevin, Jess (Who was busy flying on the PC Pilot stand), Jack and Martin, also Lynda who was modelling our show tee-shirt around the hangar to attract more visitors.


A HUGE Mutley thanks goes out to James (Jaydor) kisses.gif who kept us entertained and helped on the stand for a few hours and Bruce who gave oodles of advice to our vistors.


Another shout-out to members who came and introduced themselves, from memory, and please put me right if I have missed you! John Guest and Father, Sam (Shrewsbury FC), UK Jim, Geoff (Hifly), Dave, (deltahotel), Duncan (Slopey). I hope I gave you all enough of my time to chat.

Also all those un-named people who stopped for a chat and showed interest and support for our site.






Here are the only other photos I managed to capture.


Jack flying on Tim's 27" Mac using Plan-G



UK Jim, a seriously nice bloke!

Everybody's favourite uncle, James (Jaydor) 


John Guest!

General hub-bub

Er..; that's all I have. If anyone else can share any photos, that would be great.


There will be a feature in PC Pilot, Derek, (The Editor) came around and took some shots but warned it may be too late for the next edition, it could be the one after, so smile, you might be in one of the shots! 

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Great photos and good to finally be able to put some faces to names.  Mind you, I think James (Jaydor) and Dodgy-Alan could be long lost brothers.  I see a resemblance, but it could be just me.  With the smile on John Guest's face, I think he is about to make off with "The Baton" while no one is looking.  :D


As for you, mate, you are looking good, but the camera seems to have added a few pounds since I last saw you...doh!  :P






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Andrew mate, you've got it all wrong.

That's not poundage Joe's put on, no no no, it's what we call in the UK, 'Winter Plumage'. Am I not correct Boss? 

If there are any pics of me when we get to Llelystad, you will also see a certain degree of 'Winter Plumage' also.


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Andrew, life is good but it shows on the frame.


John Guest was under surveillance by Jaydor who was ready to take him down! James was also our "bouncer".  Seriously ,John is a really knowledgeable simmer and may be able to help out with some reviews.


I must say that we had a lot of offers of help with the site, you could just feel the love!! 

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Andrew mate, you've got it all wrong.

That's not poundage Joe's put on, no no no, it's what we call in the UK, 'Winter Plumage'. Am I not correct Boss? 

If there are any pics of me when we get to Llelystad, you will also see a certain degree of 'Winter Plumage' also.



Thanks mate, I knew you would understand, there will be shots from Lelystad, it's only two weeks away though!  :gaah:

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Andrew mate, you've got it all wrong.

That's not poundage Joe's put on, no no no, it's what we call in the UK, 'Winter Plumage'. Am I not correct Boss? 

If there are any pics of me when we get to Llelystad, you will also see a certain degree of 'Winter Plumage' also.



I should have recognised it.


Beautiful plumage, the Southampton Blue!  :P




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Had a fantastic time there and met some great people, good to put a face to the names on here (except mine). Met GOD Joe too :thum: good on ya Joe.


Saw some incredible skys on my way back home, dark grey clouds against an autumn blue sky, Rex would have been proud.


My goodie bag contained three things I do not need, PM me and I'll pop them in the post gratis.


They are;  XPlanes Hamburg and Lugano airports and Just Flights' FSX 747 200/300.


Hope there will be another show.


Best, Geoff.


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