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Hi all,

I'm currently looking at purchasing PFPX after reading the review here. I use the Airbus X and ActiveSky 2012. At the moment, I go to the free RouteFinder site to get my waypoints, enter them in the Airbus FMC and have a guess at the SIDS/STARS from the FMC list. 


So a few questions


1) Does PFPX do most things automatically, such as choosing a flight level, entering the SIDS/STARS for me, giving me a runway for landing while planning? Ideally I want to give it two airports, and for it to do all the hard work.


2) Does it export this info seamlessly?


3) How does it work AS 2012, I suppose weather is weather, but what if the data fed to AS is different to what's being fed to PFPX?


4) Does it automatically work out fuel loadings and actually load it for me?


Thanks guys

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Here are  my answers based on my experience with PFPX


1 - yes

2 - for supported products it does so, for others it does not. Aerosoft Airbus Exended is supported, the original Airbus X is not.

3- AS 2012 has no influence at PFPX - at least not without some configuration on your part. Default PFPX has its own weather servers it uses for flight planning. As with all planning reality can be different once you actually are in flight - but that is no different than planning with the data from AS2012. With each update the weather changes.

4 - It does work out fuel needed for planned flights for supported planes but does not load them.

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Luke... I apologize for pointing you to a source you had already spent your time reading..


I was browsing on my iPhone while eating my dinner and totally missed the fact that you already had read it...  :th_blush:

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Further to the above, you might also find it helpful to watch the latest PFPX videos. Here are the links to the English versions (I understand that they're also available in Spanish) —


Installation and setup:



Basic flight planning:



Advanced topics (TOPCAT, ETOPS, etc.):







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Further to the above, you might also find it helpful to watch the latest PFPX videos. Here are the links to the English versions (I understand that they're also available in Spanish) —



Do they do them in Welsh/Cymru?  :)  :D :D :P


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<grin> Not as far as I'm aware, James — sorry. (Incidentally, these aren't the "official" PFPX vids that have been around for some time, they're new ones made more recently by a knowledgeable user).


And the guy that made them is Spanish, I assume....   :whis:






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