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I haven't found one yet Michael, so would be interested if anyone else knows of one.


There was a payware one I had looked into last year or so, that had a bunch of different versions of ultra and para style aircraft all in one product but they went out of business and must have fought over designer rights or something because it is no longer available anywhere that I had found. Just a bunch of old posts that mention it.

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Many thanks for your fast replies.


I have searched all over the internet and no joy. I am sure I am not alone with an interest in these flying machines BUT no way of trying them out on our simulators. 


Keep looking PLEASE and let me know if you find a download?


Cheers, Michael.

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Well a BIG THANK YOU to Gerardo Garcia Sanz for his fast reply to my request for his software. He has now added a link on his You Tube channel.



The para motor, trikes and ultra lights that are all included in this download are fantastic. Its very interesting that the software dates back to 2002 and written by a company here in Italy called Lago S.R.L.. I did a web search but they seem to have disappeared?


Anyway enjoy flying the new para motors etc.


Cheers, Michael.

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Hi Chris,


There are 2 download links that are now on the You Tube channel. One is only for FS2004 and the other is for FSX, P3D and P3Dv2.


I am using FSX and all the ultralights, para motor and trikes work OK. I have been having loads of fun today playing around with this software.


Enjoy.......cheers, Michael.

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It asks for a registration number in the manual, probably for the non-existent installer. ;)  My guess is this is the old payware version I had read about. The product name sounds familiar.


Just to be on the safe side, check the download with a virus scan, you never know. :)

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Hi Brett,


The FSX download does not ask for a registration code. After downloading I scanned mine with various software I have here and it is Virus and Malware free according to my system. I have used it now for many hours and it runs perfectly OK. Mine did not ask for any registration. It only asks this in the FS2004 download. I wouldn't have put the download link on this forum knowing that the software had Virus or Malware installed.


Hope this help you and other readers.


Cheers, Michael.

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I pointed out that it mentioned a reg# in the manual of the FSX download Michael. That's all. :)  


What is this download, it's a redistributed, opened copy of a previous payware version of this product. Does the guy have permission from the author, I don't know. Could it be considered a pirated copy, I don't know. Since this is an old product and from what I understand, the original designers are no longer around, will I fly it. Hmm, thanks for finding it. ;) Been looking for this for years.


My comment about virus protection, just playing on the safe side of things for our members. I didn't think for a minute you would post a link like that. :)

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Hi Brett,


Thanks for your comments, all noted.


Yes the software was written here in Italy but sadly the company is no longer in business, pity as it works so very well and I would have happily payed for this as it was only about 15 euros around 25 dollars.


In the meantime I'm having great fun flying the ultralights and para motor trikes as the camera views in FSX are brilliant.


Hang on I have someone knocking on my door, I wonder if its the internet police come to take me away.......................................


Ah well at least they have computers and internet access in prison these days. :D


Cheers and happy flying.......Michael. :thum:





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