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Tanker Landing at Birmingham

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That's FS9 with JF's Traffic 2005. I have both the Military PlusPaks and also the Commuter PlusPak.

In the RW that airfield, KBHM (Birmingham, Alabama) has an Air Force Reserve squadron based there. T2005 knew that and added the appropriate military types to the traffic at the field.

Of all the add-ons in the flight sim world, for my money, traffic adds the most enjoyment. The Military add-ons in particular are great.

I learned quite a lot about setting up AI traffic in staging the Gibraltar and Tunis airfield shots in the Casablanca leg of the ATWS, where I had to purge all the modern traffic and populate both places with period military traffic. There is an amazingly capable and flexible set of utilities behind the T2005 software and they're not all that difficult to use. You can use any payware or freeware AC as AI, which opens up a whole new world.

By the way, I was holding short for traffic and had not been cleared for TO yet, so it's not like he snuck up on me.


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Excellent shot John! Never been any good at setting up AI myself, don't think I've ever got one to work! Don't the USAF 707s have the older engines though? I thought it was only the RAF aircraft with the newer CFMs like that one has.

Nice picture.

Dave :-)

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Don't the USAF 707s have the older engines though? I thought it was only the RAF aircraft with the newer CFMs like that one has.


I don't know. I suspect you're right. I haven't diddled with the traffic at this airport, so whatever we're seeing is what T2005 put there. Looking at my FS9 Aircraft file folder, I only see one folder for the KC-135, which is what we're seening here. It has 15 variants, 10 or 11 of which are USAF. Obviously all will look like this one in physical details, so that's the way JF put it together. They may have gotten it wrong.

Inaccuracies like that don't offend me. I find most of the traffic at least plausible most of the time. If a certain US Air flight is using the wrong flight number or departing from the wrong gate at the wrong time, or even if it's not the same AC that US Air is using in the RW, I manage to not get my shorts in a knot and let it ruin my day.

It beats 30% of the GA traffic being Caravan amphibs and everything else being from Gia and Emerald Air. This is so much better than the stock MS traffic that it's in a different universe.

It's looking like the venerable Stratotankers may be replaced by Airbuses over the next few years, unless some of the politicians who don't like the $40 Billion contract going to a foreign company get their way.

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