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Just published is my review of Orbx's FTX NA KTVL Lake Tahoe Airport.
This is the 3rd scenery released for the NORCAL region and is a fantastic location to fly in to.
Does Misha Cajic's creation do it justice? Read on...
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Hello Dai,

The spelling is down to me, bolder can be spelt with a u, either way is acceptable and the Bo 105 is what it is according to its reg?

I guess Misha can clear that last point up.


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Nothing wrong with being a pedant.  :whis:


I drive Joe to an early morning G&T every Saturday, as a result of our weekly catch-up call, because of my pedant behaviour in editing the reviews.  As a self confessed 'grammar nazi', my focus on obvious sentence structure and punctuation, especially the Oxford comma, has him reaching for his stress ball every time.  :stars:


To your point though, I am not infallible and can sometimes miss things or deliberately let errors go in the interests of the state of Joe's mental health.  :P


However, you will never see me displaying my ignorance and contempt by posting in a thread and not using correct capitalisation, structure, and punctuation.


On a second, and more than cursory, look at the image with the helicopter in it, I also concede the helicopter is, indeed, not an MBB Bo 105, even though the aircraft registration is allocated to such, and it is an AW139, as you have correctly identified.  I will have this gross oversight corrected and I shall pay much closer attention to this area when editing reviews in future.  :D




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Thanks for the feedback, I have changed the description of the helicopter, heli recognition is not one of my strongest points hence why I looked it up  :D


Also, I have changed the spelling as it looked incorrect too.

Finally, I realise I had given the wrong score for VFM, with all that's included for a regular airport price it should have been a 10 making the overall 9.8.

I promise to do better next time!!  :hat:


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