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Announcing Section 2 of ATWC SiX - Bidding closed

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With Section 1 out of the way it's time to get cracking on section 2.


The full version of the departure board can be found below. The official departure board on the forum will be updated once all flights are assigned.




As you can see we have another ten legs in front of us, and unlike Section 1 all legs are open for bidding.


The section will take us from our current position on Crimea down through Turkey, Iran, the United Arab Emirats, Oman, India, Nepal, Bangladesh all the way to Kalay in the north western parts of Burma (or Myanmar if you prefer).


All destinations feature paved long runways enabling the use of tube liners to those that so wish, but there are also legs short enough to cater to those that prefer GA-aircraft.


The only slightly difficult airport in the bunch is VNKT - Tribhuvan Intl in Kathmando. While the runway is just shy of 10,000 feet long the fact that it's located at an elevation of 4,400 feet adds a bit to the challenge. Couple that with terrain raising up to around 8.000 feet with 10 nm of both ends of the runway and a situation where a late go-around is called for could be a recipe for disaster.


The bidding window for this section will open at 18:00 UTC on Tuesday February the 17th.


As usual only bids sent to atwc@mutleyshangar.com after the bidding window is opened will be considered when assigning the flights. Please remember to include the word "ATWC" in the subject of your e-mail to make it easier for me to find the bids in my inbox.


As always consider including more than one leg in your bid to increase your odds for getting a flight assigned, just remember to sort the list in order of your preference with your top pick first.


If you include leg 12 from Kars (LTCF) to Mehrabad Intl (OIII) in your bid we also need to know what plane you will be using if you get that leg to ensure it meets the Maximum MTOW restriction of 2.500 lbs.


In an effort to spread the flights evenly among the active pilots those that did not get a flight in section 1 will be given priority handling in the assignment process, but other than that flights will be assigned in the order they arrive in my inbox.


That's all for now, get your thinking caps on and decide on your bids. I'll look forward to them tomorrow evening and as always I look forward to reading the continued adventures of the Baton.


Safe skies and keep the blue side up (unless your over the ocean in overcast conditions of course)



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Status update on the bidding process.


As of now I have 7 out of the 10 pilots needed for Section 2. With the three pilots offering to take any open leg added to the first available leg the assignments looks like this


List updated 20th of February


Leg 11: Unassigned

Leg 12: John Guest (assuming he can get out of jail in time)

Leg 13: Brian Cowell

Leg 14: Joe Lawford

Leg 15: Jessica Bannister-Pearce

Leg 16: Brian Buckley

Leg 17: Kieran Marshall

Leg 18: Mikael Stockfors

Leg 19: Auger (Pete White if my memory serves me correctly, but I need to double check that on my home computer)

Leg 20: Unassigned


So come on and send those bids in so we can continue on this adventure...



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@Brian I just hope that I get a visit soon.I have got to get out of here as there is a big guy here who keeps wanting to know when I an going to the Showers. I am starting to get rather grubby.

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I guess we could always ask Dai to land his helicopter in the prison yard during an exercise break and pick you up. They might not be wise to that one yet.


But John, given your track record might I suggest closer attention to the rule suggested by Messrs Flanders and Swann in the wake of the Profumo scandal?


"But there's one basic law that thou never shouldst flout —

Thou shalt not

Thou shalt not

Thou shalt not be found out!"


Just a thought...    ;)





a.k.a. brian747


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Since there are no further bids I'll assign dual flights to some of the pilots.


Kieran, are you OK with getting leg 11 in addition to leg 17, in that case it's yours. 


As for leg 20 I have three bids for that one. 


John Guest , Jess and Brian (the needles one, not the Bruce one) all included leg 20 as potential legs they were interested in. The first one of those, or any other pilot for that matter, to scream MINE in here will get leg 20 as their second leg for the section.


If no takers have laid their grubby hands on leg 20 by the time I head home from work tomorrow (Thursday) I'll pick up leg 20 as well.

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Thanks John, it's yours..


and Kieran confirmed through a PM that he'll take leg 11, so section 2 is now filled.


I'll sort the departure board as soon as I have the software needed installed on my brand spanking new computer (sadly not a new FSX computer, but rather a new one for my office at work  :cray:  ).

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No Problem Micke the leg goes into Burma - so plenty of fun to be had there!


@ Kiran - there is no need to bust me out of jail, but please do come and visit me to pick up the baton Some Marmite wouldn't go a miss as a trade for the baton, you cant get it inside this prison for love nor money! 

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@ Kiran - there is no need to bust me out of jail, but please do come and visit me to pick up the baton Some Marmite wouldn't go a miss as a trade for the baton, you cant get it inside this prison for love nor money! 


Despite spelling my name wrong, there are plans afoot. Be ready for a big bang.......................

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@ Kiran - there is no need to bust me out of jail, but please do come and visit me to pick up the baton Some Marmite wouldn't go a miss as a trade for the baton, you cant get it inside this prison for love nor money! 


Despite spelling my name wrong, there are plans afoot. Be ready for a big bang.......................



@ Kieran sorry about the name!!  Please see PM about section 2 :)

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