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Vulcan bomber, last chance to see her fly!

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Well there are cameras around that take pics *and* videos *and* allow you to take pics while you're videoing.


At airshows I tend to leave my posh Nikon with its fancy glass at home and take my little Sony compact (which can do all that). It's a few years old now so the model I've got isn't available any more, but the current version appears to be the DSC-HX90 (in England). Like mine, that's small enough to slip into your shirt pocket (it weighs less than 250g all up): it takes 16 megapixel snaps with image stabilization via its 30x (yes that's a 30x Zeiss optical zoom) lens, and it also takes pin-sharp 1080p videos. See http://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/cyber-shot-compact-cameras/dsc-hx90v/specifications for the specs, although as I scanned quickly through I didn't notice them mentioning the ability to take snaps while you're recording a video). It's got lots of other good things going for it too; however I won't say more since I'm sure that there are plenty of equivalent electronic wonders out there made by other manufacturers (e.g. Panasonic), and possessing similar abilities.


And, of course, modern movie cameras can also take stills (though I don't know if they can do both simultaneously).   :cool:   :whis:


Just a thought....





a.k.a. brian747




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Regarding incidents with Vulcans, I remember as a child when the whole family were on holiday at Skegness(Butlins) in Lincolnshire. We had all gone out on a trip in my Dads Mk II Cortina Estate, ( Americans call them Station Wagons!) We were bimbling along one of the lanes when there was an enormous shriek, the sky was suddenly blackened by these two enormous triangles hurtling across the road at almost zero feet(or so it seemed)! The car was blown sideways across the road and luckily there was nothing else coming the other way. No injuries or damage done but we were somewhat shaken.


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Reminds me of the time my friend and I were on our way home one lunchtime from juniour school.

Two EE Lightnings roared over us super low and fast. Heading in the direction of EGBB.

My friend and I ducked down they were so low.


Nearly pooed our pants we did.

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