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Welcome to Mutley's Hangar, Carl. I'm sorry I can't be much help - I don't have either of those, but I suspect someone will be along soon who can help.

Do you mean you want to export flight plans TO the Airbus?


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I can't answer your question specifically, but a review was done on PFPX last year and it might help. It is a thorough review and will answer a lot of other questions you might have.


By the way, welcome to the Hangar.



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Hi Peter

I was looking on aerosoft as I recall they have updated the airbus fleet.what I would like to no is the airbus from aerosoft not airbus x but just airbus and if so do you just point to the airbus x in pfx

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It says Airbus Extended, however I have the latest version and it works just fine. 


Once you have created your plan you click on the Export button. Export.jpg


You then have a list of many different addons you can export the plan to, and for each one you can specify where the plan gets saved (for the Airbus it is documents\Aerosoft\Airbus\FlightPlans) and then click save.




All that is left then is to go fly!

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Hi Carl!


If I might suggest a possible reason for caution?     :huh:


I do have a slight concern about whether PFPX is automatically backwardly compatible with FS2002 on XP? But I'm afraid that I really don't know, one way or the other: I can only suggest that you check, prior to purchase.   





a.k.a. brian747


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@ Bruce/Brian - I doubt that's what he has. That is the default info in the profile settings and that's what comes in if a new user leaves those fields blank. I see that quite a lot in new user's profiles and it's seldom accurate.


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Carl, when you buy the Airbus you will get the latest version, and also email updates from whoever you bought it from when there is an update. This is just a reinstallation, and the files won't change location, so PFPX will still work with exporting flight plans. As for hotfixes, I haven't installed the latest hotfix but the others seem to have worked just fine.



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