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FlightSim Show, 2015 Cosford. Official After Show Post!

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 A BIG thanks to everyone who visited our stand this year, you made this the best show ever :thum:  


Also thanks to the crew who manned the stand and were such a great help, so a big shout out to Tim Arnot with his Plan-G, Bruce (aka brian_747), Brian (Needles) and especially to Micke (stu7708) who flew in from Sweden and worked his socks off, :bowdown:


Also to some special friends (you know who you are) for dropping by and eating my cake!


Pictures to follow.


If anyone who came to the show wants to post their experiences and pictures please add to this post.


Finally, thanks to Just Flight and PC Pilot for putting on the show, you guys rock!




Joe  :hat:

Worn out,  in his hotel room!

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Sounds like a great day boss, really sorry I couldn't make this year or last, family and other commitments. :( Really hope to make it next year though.


Safe journey home everyone.

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Thanks Joe, Brian, Bruce, Tim & Micke for another great stand at the show (oh and the mint imperials!!) Tracey and I both had a great time and were very happy to meet the other members again. Judging by the crowds, it must have been the biggest turnout yet. Looking forward to next year already.



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Some miscellaneous impressions from bruce:


Before anyone gets around to posting a proper show report, I thought I'd post this very quick overview for the benefit of anyone who's in a hurry to see what they missed.    :cool:


From my point of view, the first thing to say is that it was really great to meet so many of our regular posters: thank you for stopping by to say say hello!   :)


But the overwhelmingly vivid impression, one that stayed with me during the long drive home (having spoken to so many visitors to the stand that by the time I finally arrived home I found I was hoarse), was the huge extent to which people very much appreciate Mutley's Hangar. I quickly lost count of those who said that a particular review or other article had really helped them out, and a number of them came to the stand specifically to say hello and thank us. That was quite amazing, and (I reckon) a huge tribute to everyone who contributes articles and reviews here, and above all to Joe for providing us all with a haven.


I even had a few people who quite seriously asked how we made any money out of it.  <sigh>     :wacko2:


But enough of such witterings, and on to a few photographs. Here is the New Banner (10ft wide x 3ft deep) which Joe unveiled for the show:




Impressive stuff.    :)


Joe had not only managed to install P3D v3 (and a lot of Orbx and some freebie aircraft) onto the review Chillblast machine, but he brought his 34" Dell Ultrasharp curved screen and his control setup too. This proved to be a very attractive centrepiece, and certainly grabbed the attention of the passers-by. Here he is setting it up:




And here's some shots of a few more faces which I'm sure you'll recognise.


Tim, Micke, and Jess:




Joe and I making the most of the last few quiet moments before the doors opened:




Micke, holding The Baton:




Steph tries to hide, but Micke isn't fooled:




Luckily, Kevin Firth had brought his daughter Eillithia along to show us how to do it:




But just to confirm that the rest of the show was mobbed too —






There was some very impressive kit to be seen here and there — although strictly for those with deep pockets!




And finally, here's Joe demonstrating his ability to fly and answer daft questions at the same time (an essential skill, at Cosford):





All in all, it was a really great show, and I enjoyed it immensely. Enormous thanks to Joe, and to everyone involved!      :D





a.k.a. brian747

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Yep, in the morning we figured out how to change views using the hat switch, then graduated later on in the afternoon to using full flight controls on Jess' machine (minus rudder pedals ofc!) where we took great delight in repeatedly and deliberately crashing... great fun :) Sorry I didnt get chance to talk longer with more people but a certain little someone stole most of my attention :P It was good to finally catch up with a lot of you though! :) good times... k

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But the overwhelmingly vivid impression, one that stayed with during the long drive home (having spoken to so many visitors to the stand that by the time I finally arrived home I found I was hoarse), was the huge extent to which people very much appreciate Mutley's Hangar.


Some guy even said that Mutley's Hangar was a bit like the home of the gods! I think that Joe was somewhat lost for words when he heard that! :D


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Had a great time there, I was really impressed with the screen that Joe had, i spent 5 minutes or so talking to Micke regarding the Saitek trim wheel addon and various P3Dv3 items, I should have introduced myself but it was all very busy and didnt want to get in the way.


I did buy a trim wheel at the show and then ordered a saitek TPM from Amazon on the way home, it arrived today and works great.


Really impressed with some of the kit on show and there were some good deals to be had.


Seemed very busy as always on every stall and the FREE Canberra was a nice touch too...



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Seemed very busy as always on every stall and the FREE Canberra was a nice touch too...


That was quite funny. I was talking to Martyn about whether I should get the Majestic Q400 Professional or the JustFlight Tornado GR1, and eventually I decided on the Q400 (partly because I had got to know Ben from Airline2Sim over the weekend, and also because I saw this as a golden opportunity to finally learn how to fly one of these things properly). However, I also told Martyn that I had got the Canberra PR9 as a freebie in the goody bag, and he muttered something about everyone being given his stuff for free! :D


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So jealous. Looks like it was soooo much fun.


Super seeing actual pics of some of you.

Bruce...have I seen you on a TV before?! I swear you look like  "generic English gentleman" from that section of the BBC Screen Guild Extras Stock Catalog. :D:P Who would ever guess that the soul of a Steel Nerved 747 pilot was behind that Homey demeanor.


Also nice to see that someone put a fresh coat of paint on the Baton....I guess it's appearance at Cosford indicates a slight delay in the ATWC? Guessing J.G. rushed it to the show special order...in something unauthorized and is awaiting trial.


Nice of Kevin's wee one to Crash Test the systems. :D :D


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Cracking show this year!


Luckily, the in-laws were being shown the splendours of the RAF Cosford museum, courtesy of my wonderful husband, while I got to get my Flight Sim fix for 4 hours.. worked out extremely well, I would say.


Here are a few more photos of the day for those who didn't manage to make it..


Word to the wise about the first few.. no, you haven't been drinking [or have you?]..they are all taken in panoramic mode 










Got chatting to some guys at one of the stands which had an 'in progress' A320 project. It seems that Flight Sim is an emerging market in Germany, but these guys are trailblazers, and brought along some very nice kit with them. Shame i didn't have 25,000 Euro handy... although isn't the exchange rate really good at the moment ?? <hummm>


I soon spotted something familiar...




boy, is my eyesight good!




A very welcoming wave from Joe




Who are these handsome guys ?




Group photos... hello?... over here ?




OK, everyone watch the birdie..



A huge thank you to Tim Arnott who painstakingly took me through some of the finer points (and some of the basics) of PlanG. I learned in 10 minutes what it would have taken me hours without his guidance and masterful execution. I was completely inspired.


Lastly, a selfie with my 'heavy metal' guru.  [thanks for all the tips Brian.. will let you know how i get on with the FSUIPC enhancements]



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Joe, I thought the chocolate fudge cake belonged to Needles !  sorry  :th_blush:

I may have put on a pound (or three) from the experience but was just too good to miss out on...


PPs. whoever got the photos of me devouring that cake.. is there a ransom payment for NOT posting?  ;)

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Hey Steph,


All your shots will be saved to my album "happy days!" 


I think your group shots capture the enjoyment and camaraderie we shared on the day. You know we regard you "associate crew"  :rockon:


I love the shot of you and Bruce and I am sure he will too..


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:D   Terrific pics, Steph!  Especially the ones in panoramic mode.


> "Who are these handsome guys ?"


<*cough*> Should've gone to Specsavers....?


[boring explanation for non-Brits: we have a popular series of TV advertisements for a certain chain of opticians, which figures short-sighted shepherds shearing their sheepdogs and so on, the punchline being... "Should've gone to Specsavers".]


(If you have to explain it, it's never funny, right?).   :whis:   Anyway....


As to your photos of the fabulous (??) five, those will definitely be collectors' items in times to come. But how did you manage to get 'Brian a.k.a. Needles' in the shot? Every time I got my camera out he had vanished. Probably eating cake somewhere, I guess.     :P


Great show, great memories. Do we really have to wait a year for the next one?







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Sorry, my friend, I missed your comment —


> "Bruce...have I seen you on a TV before?! I swear you look like  "generic English gentleman" from that section of the BBC Screen Guild Extras Stock Catalog.  :D  :P"


:th_blush:    Well not TV, but I have to admit to at least one indiscretion onstage....  I was singing the part of Lord Mountararat in a semi-pro production of Gilbert & Sullivan's Iolanthe




:P  :P  :P






<grin>  I think I feel a temporary change of avatar coming on....     ;)


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