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X-Plane Performance

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Hello Everyone,


Could you please explain: FSX performance VS X-Plane performance, FSX performance VS P3DV3 Performance, FSX VS FSX:SE Performance. And also, what's the difference between X-Plane and the Steam Edition.


Thank you very very much



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Not sure I can help you on this one. As far as X-Plane is concerned one is a boxed version and is also available on steam like many other software titles and I assume that FSX is no different.

Personally speaking I prefer be boxed version of X-Plane and I suspect boxed editions are a bit cheaper too and seem to get any updates before steam versions. P3D is download only and as far as I am aware it's not available on steam.

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Hi Ardy, if your meaning of performance is how well it works on a PC I would say FSX works pretty well as long as you add a few tweaks and keep the sliders at acceptable levels based on the PC you are running it on. It will probably work even better with Steve's DX10 Fixer. I still use FSX and it works very well unless I ask to much from it by adding in fps hungry scenery and aircraft. I have used Kosta's tweaks and adjust my sliders according to what I am using in the sim. FSX heavily depends on the CPU because of the way it is coded.  


The Steam version of FSX seems to work very well as they have added a few tweaks themselves and most folks have been happy with it. You would have to set up an account to buy their version although it can be used offline. Again you need to adjust your sliders to the performance of your PC. Not sure if they found a way to use the GPU more.


The brand new version of P3D v3 has so far been given a lot of some thumbs up because they have allocated more memory usage from the CPU to the GPU which significantly has lowered VAS usage which the other FSX versions suffer with. So far developers have been churning out new installers for their products but it can be hit or miss installing some older FSX products.


Others can add information about X-Plane performance as I don't have it and correct my many errors. :D I also don't know it the Steam edition is any better than the orther version. I think X-Plane also uses a different way of controlling the flight characteristics too. Some people like it and some don't, either way X-Plane does have many fans and looks pretty good in my opinion.


Is this what you were asking as you have asked a pretty broad question, what is it exactly you are trying to figure out as all sims performance are different depending on the PC they are running on.  





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