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A few v3 compatibility news items....

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A few news items on the general topic of P3Dv3 compatibility:



  • The Estonian migration utility has been made available for P3Dv3, and has already had its first update (including FSInn support) two days ago. (It's still the Development Build, though — see http://www.flightsim...n-tool#download )


  • It seems that Orbx are maintaining a page showing which of their installers are P3Dv3 compatible, always providing that you re-download the entire package...  <*cough*>. (Currently: Global Base, OpenLC Europe and OpenLC Alaska etc., and HD Trees) — see https://www.fullterrain.com/sim/P3Dv3


  • One brave soul is attempting to maintain an online spreadsheet, with tabs for Aircraft, Scenery, and Utilities. There are many useful comments and links, too — see https://docs.google....t#gid=974877813



A couple of notes about the Orbx page, though....


First of all, although it's not listed there, the free Global Lights Config Tool was updated for P3Dv3 two days ago (see their Portal at http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/portal/ — the tool can be downloaded from this page — https://www.fullterrain.com/freeware# ).


Also, whilst they claim that the HD Trees package is now P3Dv3 compatible, I downloaded it (I always like to have the latest version, ready to go) and ran it, only to find that the only available options are for FSX. P3Dv1, and P3Dv2:





All good clean fun....      :P





a.k.a. brian747

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That guy with the spreadsheet has too much time.....


HDTrees has been updated I had to redownload from FSS and reinstall, gives you all the options.....


REX is my big bug bare at the minute, I can see it will install and work but want to wait for the correct istaller but my clouds and weather looks bad.....


Oh and Alabeo says they install but can nopt be found in sim....even though I could I dont want to mess around with to much all other stuff just needed pointing to correct place.....



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Ah but, you see, Joe, as an old techie from before the dawn of time I had taken the precaution of putting in place a dummy skeleton P3D installation (with appropriate registry entries) that fooled the other installers I tried, which duly offered me a P3Dv3 install option. So that's why I was a little puzzled when something as comparatively unimportant as HD trees seemingly couldn't cope.

Thank you for the suggestion, :hat: but my puzzlement remains, nonetheless.

It was probably something as mundane as an uncleared cache, or something. Either that or my skeleton was missing a vital vertebra. ;)

And as time goes by, Orbx will, I'm sure, increasingly get its act together. As for me, the opposite is probably the case. :P

It was an interesting experiment, though, and the important components performed as advertised. :cool:



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Orbx have released P3D v3 PNW Installer. As i'm jumping from FSX to P3D this will be my first taste of P3D flying over some decent scenery.  




P.S. Hello again to those that might remember me. Your not seeing things ;)

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Welcome back, Steve! :D

And congratulations on your bravery with the jump to P3Dv3 (I'm still musing and ruminating and gathering evidence, as you may have noticed). ;)

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who'll be very interested to hear how it went for you.



a.k.a. brian747

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