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hello, this is my first time using a forum for support so ill just get to it. there i was about 3 days ago on VATSIM when i notice my OpenLC europe is smearing or merging with FTX global and vector but i didnt know for sure what it was but this was my assumption. i spoke to a streamer about it and he said it was because my openlc etc was not in the right order of prioroty in my scenery library so i look it up on google and there was a perfect list of where they should be set in the scenery library so i start to put the min order and uon halfway through of moving openlc my scenery library goes blank i have no idea why but it didnt seem to damage my simulator so i did nothing. the next day i started up the sim and got a weird glitching aircraft in the free flight section https://gyazo.com/8d39cae8b86da7bdad3d3e31f834d33e

So i think huh this is weird and pick a location and spawn in it and everything is blank as if all the textures were deleted https://gyazo.com/9e300652fa5ee5e0263a5f6363fe55ed

i have looked all over for help i tried reinstalling many times uninstalling all of my scenery and deleting the fsx.cfg and scenery.cfg and rebuilt a new one and still nothing. i have no clue what to do and hoping someone can help!

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Hi and welcome to the Mutley's Hangar forums.:hat:


You didn't post where you are from in your profile but most of the folks here are from the UK and are sleeping. Don't try to do anything to fix it until you here from some of the experts here. It sounds like something got corrupted and unless you have a backup of your scenery.cfg files to restore it I would hold off until you can get better advice. I also wouldn't recommend doing a system restore either as I have had that break FSX as well.

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My brain is fried, reading that and trying to interpret it.


Welcome to Mutley's Hangar, Soclo.  


I don't think I understand a tenth of what you said after "hello", but I'm going to take a wild guess here and agree with your title for the thread.  Your sim is fried in my opinion too, and the quickest and most certain path through this is probably to uninstall and re-install the sim itself and then begin to put your add-ons back in, one at a time.  Never fun, but this looks more like a heart transplant than a blister.


It might help to give us some basic facts.  What sim?  What OS.?





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I share your sentiment there John.  No point in trying to make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear....start again with a full uninstall and re-install.  Save a lot of grief and frustration in the long run.

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Welcome to the Hangar 

I too share your frustration having just been in a similar place with orbx global and vector causing all manner of nastied on my system including trees on runways and photorealistic car parks at my threshold...


The order of the scenery elements is absolutely key, and you cannot reorder the orbx parts through the scenery list in fsx, it has to be in FTX using the reorder/insertion tool or all sorts of unsavoury things follow. I can't tell from your post if you reordered in FSX or not but if you did, even just once, that might be the culprit for the weird things that are happening. 


I was in the process of going back to an earlier system image till I realised my only good copy was kaput so I have uninstalledited ORBX global, vector etc and, FSX , and am now reinstalling the 'correct' way as per the instructions i had from Brian747.


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is your system running on a conventional HDD or SSD?

it sounds like your about to bite the dust with your hard drive; don't turn your system on until you can back it to another drive first!

its likely that your drive is getting corrupted and you either writing or trying to read off a corrupted segment;

you can do this until your blue in the face it wont get better just worsen, open your backup on a new HDD!

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This might sound silly but worth a check, there was a problem that I remembered reading about that said somehow a bug caused the Title= line of all the scenery CFG sections to disappear and this left their scenery listings in FSX look blank. Look for this file in your C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\Scenery.cfg folder and open it using Notepad. If the Title= lines are missing, it should be the first line under the heading in each section, you might be able to copy and paste those lines back in yourself.

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Take a look here: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/topic/14900-is-anyone-using-a-scenery-config-editor/


See the reference to TweakFS Store. http://www.tweakfs.com/store/free_tools.php There's a pretty good scenery configuration editor listed. 


Also see AVSIM and do a bit of searching on their forums


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1 hour ago, allardjd said:

Brett, you're a hero!  Attaboy!




Brett, you should have been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours. A Knighthood at least.

Or translated into US spelling.

Brett, you should have been recognized in the Queen's Birthday Honors. A Knighthood at least. :D

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