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Steve, another outstanding edit from you, I am just amazed by you are able to get your shots to look so absolutely real. :???:

You have to right another tutorial and tell us what it is you do to achieve this level of realism in your edits. Please. :blush

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Thanks guys, i tried to stay away from a high impact shot here and just tried to create a little realism.

Wayne i did try to start an edit workshop here on Mutleys but was next to no interest. I did write the tutorial here but its pretty old now and half of whats in it i don't use anymore. The problem with a tutorial is to cover everything would be enormous and while smaller ones may be useful for key areas, they would not produce a full edit.

If you want we could try an editalong (new word :???: ) I could post a shot to edit and we could go through some techniques to take it from a stock shot to hopefully something more real. This way i don't have to write a huge tutorial and i will be able to give pointers as you go. Of course i use photoshop so you would need a similar editing program to do this. I can guarantee no success though, i'm a scaffolder and certainly no teacher.

Let me know what you think...


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The edit certainly brings it alive Steve, as Rosario says the reflections in the terminal build bring an otherwise dull and flat texture into something alive and vibrant.

Always the attention to detail is so impressive.

I think it's a shame that the tutorials never took off but I know you are always willing to offer advice :wow:


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Steve, thanks a editalong (your word) would help me a ton. I have photoshop and paintshop pro, I like to use PSP as I find it a little more friendly but I know photoshop is more powerfull, so if working along with you on a edit will help me to learn more about how to use photoshop, then I would be eternaly greatful to you. My stuggle to create a as realistic shot as is possible has eluded me for as long as I have been taking and editing screenshots.

You must forgive me, it is not that I am trying to compete with anyone or be better, it is a long standing personal goal to creat the most realistic looking screenshots, I have even considered signing myself up for a course to learn how to use and edit with a good image editor, like photoshop.

So it is over to you my friend, we can work at your pace, you take the lead.

Master your student is ready :cool:

Oh, did I mention, you are da Man! :wow:

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No problem, will just be like doing a slow edit :wow: you never know i might learn something. What i'll do is get a shot up and go through what i would do. Take it a stage at a time with a few shots of instructions and see how it turns out for you. I have no idea how the end product will turn out as it will be an edit for me also so should be ineteresting. I'll start a new topic when i get all sorted.


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