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Good Day!

   I'm new to the SIM world and I'm looking for a person or group of people who are familiar with flying rotary winged aircraft to share a cockpit and chat. I'm a former Marine aviator from the CH-53E Super Stallion flight community and have recently purchased an aircraft from Nemeth Designs. If you or anyone you know would like to share this incredibly realistic aircraft with me simply let me know.



This is not a recruiting gimmick to join a Virtual Airline.




-Benjamin Forbus 

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Hi, Benjamin, and welcome to Mutley's Hangar.  I'm afraid I'm not a rotorhead and am not into multi-player flying but wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you aboard and to thank you for your military service.


I trust you'll get some responses to your request and will also find MH an enjoyable place to hang out.


John Allard

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Hi Benjamin,


Welcome to our forums :hat:


We are heli friendly but not sure we have such a big group of 'copter flyers. As John says, this is a great place to hang out and shoot the breeze with fellow simmers.


You may want to take a look here http://www.hovercontrol.com/ for some great free heli downloads, they have a forum too but don't be a stranger here!



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Greetings. I have that copter too, but don't use it currently. For Airhauling jobs the MilViz Ch47 does a bit more of a job than the CH57 at a faster speed...so the later is in my Back Hangar atm.

As an actual crew member on the Stallions, I'd be very interested to hear your impressions of the Addon, although I won't be hopping into the cockpit with you...not sure how to do that even...hehe.

I  definitely think my Nemith/Milviz copters are the best in my fleet...but I've never flown a real one and I understand that FSX doesn't accurately model the actual Flight Experience, regardless, they are a blast to fly once over the FSX learning/crash curve.




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Semper Fi Benjamin and welcome to the forums here.:hat: Not much of a heli flier either but I do hope you find someone that can fly with you. Let us know how you make out. :) 



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