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Flying Rallyies for some years now, I find that adding a few extra Gauges help full , These have not helped my scores, BUT have kept me from crashing or getting to lost.

First : The Tom Goodrich FT Timer, this just keeps my 67+ year old brain from strain figuring flight times! Most rallies have it to down load.

Second: DC3 Airways, has a AUTO Cordnation Switch , This little button allows you to switch auto cord. on and off , VERY handy if you have to SLIP(planes without flaps) to bleed off speed an altidude, use extra rudder for crosswind landings, semi-Stall Turns to get into tight airfields when Bush flying.

Third: Radio/Radar Altimeter . Found this when I downloaded a OV-!D Mowhawk , I'm sure there are stand alone versions in Gauge sections. Find this VERY help full in bad weather landings or mountain flying in cloudy situation .reacts fast and if it shows the ground coming up fast, you better do the same

Fourth: this is again from DC3 Airways the REAL WIND Gauge : More of a extra it shows the wind direction relative to the nose of the aircraft and wind speed in Mph.

Takes some time to add these to panels. But as my wife for 47 years says " Keeps the old fart off the streets" 

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Great tips for some handy mod's Dave, I wish all aircraft had a Radio Altimeter.:D 


The Tom G's FT Timer is a peach but only when I remember to have it popped up on screen for take off.:gaah::fool:

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Welcome aboard, Dave,
Good stuff - thanks.
Here are a couple of my favorites...
SALS - Satellite Assisted Landing System - freeware, from Flightsim.com
SALS in C-172.jpg
Puts a localizer and glide slope indication on your panel for any runway in FS.  Supposedly it's for FS9 but I've used it in FSX and it seems to work.
Ice Gauge - freeware from Flightsim.com
Just a little window, normally blank, but sometimes lights up with a "Wing Ice" message, in various colors of text.  If it's red, you're in deep trouble.  Cyan or yellow/orange are the earlier stages and you're well-advised to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  This one seems to work in both FS9 and FSX too.  I haven't tried either in Win10 yet, however...



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Ice Gauge - freeware from Flightsim.com - good one to have. I fly the C-208 quite a bit and it is not rated for autopilot use in icing conditions. Good to have that extra warning. 

SALS looks like fun, too. I especially the DME (I think that's what it is) readout on the same gauge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those gauges mentioned look good and I will try the SALS... I also use the NEWGPS v6 and it has most everything talked about above except the icing and SALS. For the NEWGPS just do a search for gps6.zip. This gauge is a popup and can be used in addition to the default gps 500 or as a replacement.


Thanks to the MEBAR crew for a fine rally again this year.



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Thanks John, I still had the devil's own time finding the file - despite the, literal, map that you showed me. A search for the string gps6.zip or just gps6 returned nothing. Even when I went to FSX - FSX Panels nothing showed up until I cut the search back to gps. That returned four pages. The file we're referring to was on the first page.


I'm using a VPN, but I doubt that would have any bearing. I was logged in to the Flightsim site in all cases.


Ah well! Once again MH (and @allardjd) comes to the rescue of the technically challenged.

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