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Flightstories, flight #1

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Flight 1,


After reading up on all nav points and weather, I set it up in skyvector, then in plan-g, and transferred that to FSX. I chose straight legs, just climbing above the terrain when needed. Figuring the winds were slightly against me I'd just take the economic cruise setting on which I flew the test flight, 30" over 1800rpm, which should give me a steady indicated speed of 205 kts. With the gps line just as a reference I made sure to fly on the radio beacons only.


I took off on a beautiful starting sun on the OB VOR radial, thereby loosely following the flow of water heading out to the Pacific.

On exactly 96.8nm on the given OB radial I was over London Island and turned north.



After that turn a straight in run towards my first mandatory T&G, at SCDW. I was cleared on a straight in on rwy30. Good soft squeal of the tires and up we went again, turning crosswind then 45 deg out of the pattern and on towards the next point.



On to SCCI, a quick dash over the water, keeping low for the short leg. I got cleared for the T&G on rwy30, again a straight in. Same MO as in the previous field, and on to the next waypoint.



The next waypoint turned out to be a mountain. With terrain coming up I climbed to 7000ft and flew the radial while also tuning in the BIO NDB.

Sure enough the mountain came into view, marking the distance to the VOR on 98.4nm



After that a descent towards PNT VOR. Descent was largely over water with good visibility. After flying a normal pattern I landed without incident at SCNT.



After shutting down I saw that my time was quite short on the target time, which I had not anticipated. I had flown on the eco cruise setting as used in the test flight, but with prevailing headwinds, especially at altitude towards the mountain. I think it's moslty on my approach techniques, as the Mustang has a long nose which makes a sweeping base leg and a short final approach way easier to keep eye on the runway and get a good landing without too much strain on the gear. Naturally, this takes also less time in circuit combined with the almost straight in approaches. Other than that, good fun and a good way to brush up on my radio navigational skills. No big challenges .... yet...


collages put together via https://www.photocollage.com/, all full photos in http://fs-snaps.com/album/thct.


Curious on other's stories!

Edited by Tobus[NL]
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Nicely flown and edited Tobus, :thum: for safety's sake it's a good idea to fly a normal pattern at all airports with T&G's and landings, I would think these procedures would also be figured into the times allotted.

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Yeah they probably are Brett. I did straight in T&G's as ATC cleared me as such, but seeing my fast time I think I should do circuits regardless.

And like I said: the Mustang is way easier to land (for me at least) if I come sweeping in and line up at the last minute.

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