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p3d views

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I am looking for some advice on either a product or setting that lets me set view profiles for individual aircraft.


I get a bit frustrated with p3d at times when it comes to virtually moving around the aircraft, setting up or going through a checklist are two examples. In XP11 it is so easy, not using any extra app or anything it works like this, right click and drag, you then see anywhere, scroll is your zoom...set up a view, maybe the overhead, press the righthand CTRL and usually for me the number 8 on the numpad, pedastal same procedure number 2....I am sure you get the picture, this then saves for that aircraft, get into a little Cessna and I can do totally different views, so easy, all saved automatically.......


Anyway my question is can p3d4 do this? if not what app do I need to buy/download to achieve this?


I have TrakIR but don't always use it, multi tasking usually...




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Hi Wayne,

I have reassigned my arrow keys and page up/down to give me four lateral directions and up and down. I am sure you can assign zoom to the centre wheel of your mouse. If you want true versatility Chase Plane is the way to go, you can set up preset cameras inside and out and do all sorts of wonderful things here's the link: https://fsfxpackages.com/en/ChasePlane/



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thanks Joe, your post got me thinking, I set up the arrows to move up/down/left/right.....works well.....I then discovered that if I pres and hold SPACE, when I move the mouse it moves the camera like it's my head, also doing that and scrolling lets me zoom in/out.....wow it was alreadt there just didn't know it exsisted.....


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