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OK, so the old van is now sold, looking at my next investment, I have Ifly 737 / 747, QW 787, also Aerosoft A318/19 & A320/21 when they are released as I bought the bundle.


So the T7 would complete my 'Heavy' hangar, but I would like to know how it is in p3dv4.3 please......any issues?


Never had any PMDG for P3D or FSX so I have no idea how they run compared to the others, will they slow my system right down?


I did consider the A320 at FSLabs but with all the fuss of the malware I am unsure if I want to go down that route, I also can't see the point of getting another 737......are there any 757's out there? I have a good one on XP and had QW's one for p3dv3......


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