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Seatle Drama...stolen Q400 by "Gamer".

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Some speculation that he may have flown Majestic's Dash 400 in a flight sim gave him the chops to steal this plane for his suicide flight.

"Just a broken guy with a few screws loose".


Can't condone this of course, but seems a far funner way to go that jumping off of a bridge. :bye: 



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14 hours ago, allardjd said:

Some insurance company somewhere is definitely not happy.  That's a pretty expensive way to commit suicide.



At least this one wasn't carrying passengers, Unlike the A 320 a couple of years ago.


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18 hours ago, Captain Coffee said:


Some speculation that he may have flown Majestic's Dash 400 in a flight sim gave him the chops to steal this plane for his suicide flight.

"Just a broken guy with a few screws loose".


Can't condone this of course, but seems a far funner way to go that jumping off of a bridge. :bye: 



Just wait, some prat is bound to try and get Flight Sims banned now as it gives people too many ideas, and could be deemed as dangerous!

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2 hours ago, dodgy-alan said:

Just wait, some prat is bound to try and get Flight Sims banned now as it gives people too many ideas, and could be deemed as dangerous!


Don't even think that Al.. some bureaucrat might just think he'll win votes by taking our already pitiful 'nanny state' to the next level..


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I've read a bit more about it. Sounds like it was a depressed guy working what was probably a stressful job for near or at minimum wage...and cracked. He never intended to land the airplane...apologized to his friends and family and even apologized for interfering with regular pax flights. He did his stunts over water expecting to hit water and end it all at the bottom of a loop.

Too bad about the airplane but I can't cry for a company's profits when they make them in part from paying low wages to staff (Not to mention shortchanging customers says the 6'3" guy who hardly fits into airliner seats).  I have zero compassion for any "company".


There are millions of stressed out people in this country and around the world living from paycheck to paycheck every month, lots of them are working important stressful jobs that expect "Company Man/Hero Performance" for "High School Burger Flipper" wages. Stressful jobs + Stessed about Bills = Depression and Cracked People near breaking point.


RIP Richard whoever you are...hope your last ride was at least a blast for you, thanks for not taking anyone with you..."Taking other lives" is the action of a "Crazy" person. :( 

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Other than operations and schedule impact from being short one aircraft, and possibly getting raked over the coals by the NTSB for security of a parked airplane, I'm thinking the company really isn't going to get hurt too bad by this - barring a lawsuit coming out of the woodwork from someone.  That's kind of hard to predict - lawyers are gonna' lawyer.


The big loser will be the insurance company and they charge everyone enough for their insurance coverage to be able to afford to cover a hull loss now and then.  It's what insurance companies do.  As aircraft go, this was not even a particularly expensive one.


The people I feel worst about are this guy's family, who must be devastated by all this.  



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I guess we'll never know exactly what was going on in the poor guys head. But as someone who suffers from acute depression I can tell you that when the black dog strikes it's a real bastard.  Last time I went for counselling I was at rock bottom and in very real danger of ending it all. The Counselling service asked if I knew how to do it.  I told them that I take 30 tablets a day plus insulin injections just to stay alive. If I o'd or skipped it all the result would be the same,  then added, "Oh buy the way I also collect swords and and have a fair sized armoury bolted to my walls! " The poor woman nigh on sh*t herself!  I pulled through that time but every so often it comes back.  Who knows what may happen in the future.

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