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guys i really need your help.

i think i have finally understood how to read a chart and understand a SID.........however i have no idea how to implement it in the sim. For instance how do you know where the markers it mentions are? so that you can make the appropriate turns and be at correct altitudes etc? And be on the correct radiuals to certain VORS etc.

Please help if you can


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if you are using an aircraft with an FMC (PMDG, LevelD etc...) then you can program the way points and altitude constraints into it. If you are using an aircraft that doesn't have an FMC you will need to use the VORs and NDBs to guide you. I find this way a bit more fun as you need to put a little bit more thought into the departure procedure.

If you are flying in FSX then you can manually add the waypoints into the flight plan by dragging the flight route to the relevant place, but you will still need to remember the altitude constraints

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