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REX release AccuSeason fo MSFS

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What is REX AccuSeason?
AccuSeason is a modern, feature-rich application containing a large collection of seasonal presets and vegetation configuration options that display seasons globally. In addition, you can select tree height, deciduous tree canopy type and color tone! 

In AUTOMATION MODE, REX automatically displays tree colors based on current date and flight location! Our dynamic automation tech displays foliage based on current date and automatically changes tree colors throughout the year with weekly tree color changes during autumn into winter in the northern hemisphere. rex-accuseason-2.jpg

Dynamic Automation
Automated Dynamic Seasons provides an accurate representation of foliage as it changes within each season throughout the year. Watch tree colors change as they progress through the season, such as weekly changes during the northern hemisphere's Autumn to Winter and bi-weekly or monthly changes during other times of the year. All automatic as the app applies foliage colors based on current date and requires no user interaction!

You may also manually select any prior or future time periods. For example, if it is late Autumn and you want to fly in an early Autumn, you can select that time period and fly in early Autumn foliage.

Multiple Presets
With REX AccuSeason, you get a large amount of realistic and visually pleasing presets to use in your simulator. Every season has multiple unique presets with more to be added in future updates.

Global Seasons
Seasons are represented globally, with the season in the northern hemisphere opposite of the season in the southern hemisphere. You can fly from New York in autumn and arrive in Buenos Aires with spring vegetation. Or fly out of Sydney in Australia’s winter and arrive in Seattle with summer vegetation.

Updates to Regional Vegetation
Many areas in the world have been updated to reflect vegetation more accurately. Conifer trees have been replaced in Iceland with more applicable vegetation. A large central part of the United States has been updated to display deciduous trees rather than a large conifer forest. Palm trees have been added to many cities where before there were none.

New biomes have been created to depict steppe, tundra, Australian scrublands, New Zealand vegetation, and different conifer regions. Updating regional vegetation is a large and ongoing effort and many more improvements will be made in the future as we continue to develop further.

Winter Deciduous Trees
Microsoft Flight Simulator snow gives us attractive winter landscapes. To move to the next level, REX AccuSeason offers OUR rendition of deciduous winter trees for all areas where the simulator depicts deciduous trees and the winter season applies. These trees show significantly less leaves and look great in winter landscapes with or without snow. 

Adjust the Tree Height
To further customize your experience, REX AccuSeason offers three options for tree height: short, medium, and tall. Additionally, some trees have been properly sized in the app to reflect more realistic proportions, such as the massively sized default trees that display in Sydney, Australia. 

Select the Deciduous Tree Canopy
An irregular-shaped canopy for deciduous trees is available in addition to the default shape (which is predominantly a rounded canopy). The irregular-shaped canopy makes a nice difference, as deciduous trees with irregular canopies look more varied in shape. The color within the tree often has more color variation, and colors in general appear deeper and richer.

Manage Your Seasons and Customization with a Modern App!
With all the vegetation options provided, the app allows you to choose your selections quickly and easily. No need to manually work within Windows folder structures to change files or edit text documents. Simply select preset and customization choices within the app and it will do all the work for you. As future enhancements are developed, updates will occur automatically, so no need for frequent downloading and manipulating files. 

Available from your favourite reseller for $24.95



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As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no information about a release called "REX AccuSeason" for MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator). It's possible that this release occurred after my cutoff, so it's recommended to check official sources or the REX website for the latest information on any updates or releases related to AccuSeason for MSFS.

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