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Captain Sim C-130 question

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After Johns statement in another tread I've been thinking about getting the Captain Sim C-130 as a early x-mas gift for myself.

But after looking at the info on their webpage it does looks like a rather complex simulation, so I'm afraid it might be a bit over my head.

Where on the complexity scale would you guys rate it. At the moment I'm comfortable in the Aerosoft PBY Catalina and the JF Constellation, but the Flight 1 Super 80 Pro is way over what I can manage. :stars:

Any input will be gladly accepted before I splash my cash out on the C-130.

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Hey Micke,

If you can fly the Cat or Connie then the C-130 will be easy.

As Kieran said you can make it as easy or as hard as you like, I have seen several good tutorial videos on youtube as well.

Go get it!

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I agree. It's not complex in the sense of FMC and things like that. The avionics are, in fact, pretty primitive.

Some of the mechanical and electrical systems are pretty intricate but if you don't want to spend a half hour getting all four turning and burning, you can opt for the quick easy way. It's a button pusher's delight if you want to do it by the book but most of it can be worked around just by turning everything on.

As a for instance, there's an APU (they call it something else) that can be started and brought on line with six or seven steps, or you can just flip the ground power switch and have all the juice you need without fooling with the APU. You can make it as complex as you want to, or relatively simple. It's still a four engine turboprop, so it will never be like flying a Cessna but can't be any worse than the Connie.


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Thanks for your input guys.

Dug up the manuals yesterday, and it sure was a lot to read, but based on your comments I decided to buy it... most likley tomorrow night.

Many thanks


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Money spent, file downloaded and installed, manual mailed to work and printed...

What can I say, I love it!!!

The only thing I need to get used to is changing altitude using the autopilot.. first attempt sent me into a dive so hard the plane broke down, but I'm getting there...

The only thing that bugs me a bit is that it's not possible to use the scroll wheel on the mouse in the VC as i'm used to from other planes.. but that's really a minor issue.

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Guess I'm a little late with my 2 cents on this, but I'm glad you got it and I know you'll enjoy it. I got this a gift in July and I absolutely love it. As others have said, it can be as simple or as complex as you like. There are times that I enjoy taking this from cold and dark and the satisfaction of getting all four engines running by the book and other times when I just hop into it and it's all set for takeoff.

The systems will become secoind nature in no time. And you have all the little extras on in with all of the animations and toys.


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For now I am trying to remember why I can't get the landing lights, or AC lights to stay on.

Do you have the generators on-line? Once an engine is running, take the generator switch for that engine to "RESET", then to "ON".


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