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Overland a380 model and wilco merge

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that the panel merge is possible but as to how this is made possible I don't know but I can give it a shot.

This worked with the posky 757 and the CLS 767 when I merged the CLS panel with the posky 757

Go in to the wilco aircrafts folder and then go into its panel folder

Then once in the panel folder select EVERYTHING in the folder and hit copy.

Go into the overland aircraft folder and in to the panel folder of which ever model.

once in the folder back up everthing into a folder and then put the new folder on you desk top so that FS can't see it.

Once you have backed up everything, paste the wilco files that you have copied in to the overland panel folder saying yes to overwriting everything.

close all the folders and load up FS to see if it works which hopefuly it has.

I hope that this makes both scense and works for you. any questions then just ask.


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