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GAAR 2011 PIREP - Leg 7

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Welcome to the longest leg of our journey, but it sure was a fun one with the great scenery and a few detours to dodge the hills (you did factor those into the 4,500ft cruise didn't you Dai?)

For some reason when I arrived in the cockpit the passengers had legged it, maybe they didn't like my aftershave or the fact that they saw me in the terminal with my dog guide-dog-emoticon.gif

At leat Sharon could sit back and relax


So with an empty cabin I departed towards the RMD NDB


The weather here was ok, clouds at around 5,000ft and the odd burst of turbulence, nothing too bad for old Dizzie


Here was the first minor detour


The 282nm to YCHT flew (groan) past and before long we were in the circuit to perform a touch & go


And off we go again...


...to dodge some cliffs


After rounding the cliffs I descended down to 1,500ft for the landing, the local scenery was brilliant


I had expected a tough landing as the runway was only 1900ft long, but I was in for a bit of a shock when I saw the 'airport'


And as I got closer it became apparent that some bright spark had planted a tree at the end of the active runway


A lot of rudder and an interesting apporoach angle later, I was all parked up a the shed and enjoying a brew


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Good time, Rob - looks like a possible score of 98.76 for that Leg - Well Done, mate! :thum:

Where's the scenery from - I had to fly with default all the way - pretty dull, except for the high ground, which was a bit scary, even at 5000'! And that air-strip - good thing they'd mowed the grass before I got there!?! :whis:

@ Chuck - you don't miss much, eh?? :yess:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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That airport needs an exclusion rectangle to take care of that tree. It's the AFCAD equivalent of a chainsaw (or a bulldozer where buildings intrude).

Nice work - I envy you the scenery, but I could have been flying over most anything and wouldn't have seen much of it.


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Nice work Rob and I had a very similar experience recently, but it wasn't just one tree it was a whole line so I had to point the nose down at an alarming angle before levelling of on a similar length runway.

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