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Leg 59: Recife (SBRF) - Rio de Janerio (SBGL)

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Sorry for the long delay on these. That's what you get when you combine GCSE coursework, internet problems, and the flu I guess. But my apologies anyway - I know it can be frustrating.

Anyway, the baton carrier is travelling on a scheduled flight again today. GOL1836 is scheduled to leave Recife at 12:25pm, and touch down in Rio two hours forty minutes later at 15:05. A nice trouble-free flight all the way down, despite my getting my Rio airports mixed up and arriving prepared for a hairy visual landing at a different airport in Rio whose name I can't remember right now, but which has a fantastic mountanous approach onto a short runway. Instead I found myself slowing down too quickly on the nice long runways of Galaleo Intl :yikes: :mrhappy:

Your steed awaits. A nice newly-serviced Boeing 737-700 will be operating GOL1836 today.


Taxiing out to runway 18. Recife isn't very busy at the moment with just two other planes on the ramp, but as I taxied out they began to land in rather vast numbers.


Holding short for this VASP 737-200, and completing the final takeoff checks.


The flight attendants get a "bing-bong" on the PA instructing them to buckle up.


One derated takeoff roll later, and we're climbing into the humid air around Recife.


About to reduce the thrust to our climb setting, retracting flaps, and generally tidying up the aircraft.


Through the clouds. Pretty overcast at both airports today.


Hand-flying up to our initial altitude of 8000ft. The weather radar is showing some clouds ahead but they're nothing to worry about.


ATC clear us up to 24000ft.


And then from FL240 to FL320.


In the final stages of our climb now, going up to FL360 or (36000ft to the passengers). We're only doing a VS of 800ft/min - no hurry to climb with about 1000nm to go and we're pretty heavy too.


Settling into the cruise.


Nothing like a good bit of blue sky in a shot.


Brazil showing off some of its beautiful scenery as we hurtle through the air at over 500mph.


Starting the descent now, with a nice easy ILS approach to runway 28 via a PCX transition showing on the ND.


Nose down a little to meet the tight height restrictions.


Weather around Rio looks good, apart from the bad visibility.


Using the speed brakes to get the speed down below 250kts before 10000ft.


Getting into landing config now with the gear following the flaps down.


Baton-carrier's view of the outskirts of Rio de Janerio.


Trying to keep some visual awareness despite the bad visibility - this airspace is quite busy and there's a United plane behind us.


First Officer keeping an eye on the instruments as the Cap'n takes the reins and follows the ILS down.


A little to the right of the centreline but it was nice and gentle. The United pilots didn't stand a chance and begin to go around.


Slowing down a bit too quickly as I come to realise there's a great deal more tarmac in front of me than I had been expecting.


Trying to find our gate among the heavies.


And parked up. Waiting for the airstairs to arrive as the baton carrier prepares for some partying no doubt!


Hope you enjoyed those, and sincere apologies again for the long delay. Next up is Reef, looking forward to your shots!


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I know I keep saying this but there ARE some of your best shots in the ATWC, informative commentary and excellent photo's, I really enjoyed them they cheered my up no end!

Well done on getting the baton another 1000 Nm on it's travels.


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They keep getting better and better. I really liked the climbout shot. Very good commentary too and it reveals your depth of immersion into the flights you make. I like that. As Dai says, hope you left the flu in Recife. No sign of Sharon?


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