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Leg 60 Rio de Janeiro SBGL to Montevideo SUAA

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After an amazing flight by Dgor, the batton finds itself in Rio De Janeiro and in my hands again. I had thought about traveling in a 737 but now would be bad form after the previous flight. So then maybe a Learjet and do it fast as my FS9 scenery of the area is a little pap shall we say but if i rush it what was the point in doing it. This was a flight of some 1800km+ down the coast of both Brazil and Uruguay. Then it came to me, FSX is sat on my hard drive doing nothing......The Goose it is !

So that decided enjoy the flight. (all pictures lightly edited. Even i did not fancy doing the works on 32 images :mrhappy: )

So here we are sat cold but doing preflight checks on Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport. A full load of fuel onboard and ready to get this done.


Starting up cleared to taxi to the active.


Nicely lined up with the lovely sound of two rather noisy engines humming away. 6.50am departure time.


Not sure that i needed flaps as we get airborne with ease.


Passing over Guanabara Bay as the morning sun rises.


Making our first turn with Suger Loaf Mountain in view and Rio to the right.


Leaving Rio behind as we say a quick prayer for a safe flight.


Heading out from the coast over the Atlantic Ocean heading for Florianopolis.


7.15am at 2,500ft and was not expecting cloud below me.


The cloud seems fairly broken so we hold our altitude.


7.40am and its a completey different story, it seems a fog has completely hidden the ocean. We are still at 2,500ft.


Hopefully if this sun gets up a little more the mist will burn away.


8.05am and as if by magic the mist moves off and the coast comes in view.


Flying over Santa Catarina Island.


Santa Catarina and the Brazilian Highlands. Time to get some altitude. Going to 5,000ft.


8.48am and 80gallons of aviation left. I'm begining to think i might need a stop.


Some rather nice scenery in these parts.


A quick call and a rendezvous with fuel is arranged at a bargin price. 40 Gallons should do.


Slight change of course over Lake Dos Patos.


Checking floats down, were going to get wet.


And there is our runway, Canal de sao Gongola and the city of Pelotas.


Almost down and the dealer in view.


The rendezvous at 10.20am. 39 gallons in the tanks.


11.25am and we now have 85 gallons, plenty. Time to get going.


Soon back on course.


12.50am. In contact with Angel S Adami International Airport and the clouds roll in....typical.


Given approach vectors but can't see much.


The clouds break a little hopefully till i land.


The runway is in that cloud.


102kts, 30 degree flaps, gear down....


Almost down....


....with a slight bump we arrive. 1.15pm and 35 gallons of fuel left...good job we stopped :yes:


Hope you enjoyed the flight.


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Wow that was an epic flight reef and it looked really good in FSX and the scenery in Rio was breathtaking.

Thanks for getting the baton safely to Uruguay in such fine style you did a great job, I can feel one of Mutley's Hangar special awards coming on :mrhappy: (Don't get excited!)


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Thanks for a fun trip, Steve - you know I love 'boats. Nice work with FSX too, certainly the sea comes up really well and the SA scenery is great (is it the default?) I must get my de-luxe version of FSX going - then I can try the Goose out for myself (maybe when I sort out the graphics card issue.....)

Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:

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Up to your usual standards, or better. Good commentary; very entertaining - great choice of AC. I love those round engines.

I thought the mud line on the hull in the beginning was a great realism touch.


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Bored ? No auto throttle so constantly checking speed. Constantly buffeted about in bad turbulance. Adjusting course and altitude by hand to fly low enough to see all whats going by. Ran low on fuel and had to detour. Keeping an eye on the weather so as not to fly into hills. Enjoying the panarama. To be honest, i enjoyed the flight very much and made a nice change from a pre-programed flight, press "GO" scenario. Oh i forgot constantly floating outside the A/C to take shots :mrhappy:


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