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Yes sir, Mr President.

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Guys I am currently setting up a few things on FSX that involve transporting the US President. I have improved scenery for the white house and Washington, secret service and motorcade at Andrews and the South lawn. Airforce One is sorted by way of PMDG 747 and the repaint, as is Airforce Two with Captain sims 757 and the Mcphat repaint.

However one thing eludes me.....I need a model and repaint of Marine One helicopter. I am aware that a repaint is available for the FSX acceleration pack, however I do not have this and therefore I am looking for a freeware model and repaint. Any ideas?

Would you happen to know if the following payware model will work with this FS9 repaint. http://www.hovercontrol.com/cgi-bin/ifolio/imageFolio.cgi?search=VH71HC3&cat=FS9_Helicopter_Repaints&x=0&y=0&bool=and

Payware - http://www.fspilotshop.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_70_71&products_id=2909

Thanks in advance


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Hi Mike, Rich

I cannot see why you couldn't use the FS2004 livery with your FSX model, when FSX first came out we we're doing this all the time. However I wouldn't use it "as is" as the service packs often meant that glass and blade textures didn't show properly. If you were to purchase the Alphasim Merlin, I would make a copy of an existing Merlin FSX texture folder and only copy in the files I have highlit below. I expect the glass and rotor blade textures could cause a problem so don't copy them in. To keep things neat you should add a thumbnail.jpg file to the folder as well.


I would have to say however you might be better off going for the Acceleration pack, it's a bit of a dilemma.

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